Mythic Plus Community

Hey there! Added you on Bnet - Rest druid rio score 1.3

As everyone already noticed - it is impossible to pug this days which why this :point_up_2: comes back to life.

Feel free to join!! :muscle::muscle:

If its something that would interest you, you can contact me in discord CaptW0lF#0966.

Hi there,

Added you because I am tired of the random rage in lfg. Returning resto druid - currently 1.9k rating and still gearing / learning. Used to run <20’s in previous expansions.


Wait…this is my druid! :wink:

Hi. Message me in discord so I can add you. Thx

It’s a good idea! I’m down to join you! Let’s grow this community :slight_smile:

Subtlety Rogue 2600+ rio ´next week higher´´ looking for goood and stabil M+ team

players are coming in faster than I expected but then again … “the more - the better” :slight_smile:

Hi guys, Prot warrior 2k here, would like to join
Battlebatko #2712
PS: Is there an invitation link

Just joined, its a growing community and hope to see more people join.

Come find your squad! :muscle::muscle:

2800 monk (tank or healer) also looking for likeminded to push some higher keys. :slight_smile:

Battletag: bemaw#2232

Holy priest, 2500 score, would like to join the community
Btag GoForest #2395


I’d like to join.

Sorrow321#6618 Just landed to DF. Currently low rio, would like get in a team to progress and push


I would like to join as well :slight_smile:
Thywen#2506 Btag
Thywen#5134 Discord

I am right now ~ RIO 2000 with my evoker but I find it sometimes hard to find likeminded folks :slight_smile:
I also have loads of alts so I can help in lower brackets :slight_smile:

Would like to join as well

Enh /Rest- 2450RIO
Prot/Ret - 1900RIO

I’ve sent you request on Discord

2515 Warlock

please add me

Restro druid 1933

Would love to join, sent you a message on discord as Tym#3203
Blood dk 2.6k
Frost mage 2.5k

Can add my btag aswell Tymoa#2145
