Mythic + toxicity

Have you experienced a lot of toxicity in mythic +? Because I almost never play mythic + due to the people I’ve come in party with. Even after just one death some people just roasts me and wishes me to die and stuff. Is it just me who has been really unlucky with groups or have you guys experienced this too? Please let me know and how do you deal with it?

Could you who reads this maybe give me tips or link to discord where i can learn with other new mythic + players?


The most common responses you are going to see here will either be:

  1. Run your own key and set expectations in the group finder

  2. Join a guild/M+ community where people’s attitudes will be accountable

However, in my experience (though I only run 15s with people 2k+ to avoid mistakes as much as possible), toxicity is reasonably uncommon, if it doesn’t work out, usually people just move on with their day.

Sometimes the key holder will get a bit salty because effectively they now have to run a lower version of their key to upgrade it, but that is that.

If the player is being offensive, report them, if they are just generally being a dick, ignore them.

The vast majority of the community are nice people, but it’s the bad eggs that stick in your memory.

Good luck out there xoxo


Have a browse through the communities section, maybe u’ll find something:

If u want a friendly experience and just want to learn in a nice environment i can recomment the community called «scared of dungeons». Its a bit quiet since its xmas and also middle of a drought period, but there are still keys being done. But please read up about the community and its rules before joining: Scared of Dungeons Alliance


What keys are we talking about?

Personally i never experienced toxicity after just one death.
Like, it must be a really big screw up to make people tilt that way first time it happens, for sure I would not call that soemthing usual.

Lower keys are mostly chill in my experience.

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I haven’t because I play with people from my guild.

no, not really. i mean, sure you get the average toxic person every now and then but thats normal and to be expected tbh. it does exist but imo people blow it out of proportions

Sinaaki pretty much gave you all the advice.

if you play horde feel free to let me know. im always glad to help someone out.

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imo it also highly depends on how far you are into a patch. at the beginning/middle everyone is a bit more on edge because of ksm and whatnot.

now, even if someone screws up in like +15 or something, people are usually so well geared a full wipe or two hardly matters anymore, hence, are more laid back.


It was far more toxic the times I haven’t been pugging. A certain warrior that refuses to change route in shrine after we kept wiping to the same pack getting pulled during the boss. “my autism doesn’t allow me to change routes”. Then there’s the classic that he’s about to die and the druid typhoons mobs away from him and he just charges straight in and gets mad at the druid because he died.

Then another group the tank thought a trap on a mob was good enough to skip. The healer got into combat when trying to go past and died when the trap was over because everything agreed on him and the tank starts mocking him for not being able to walk past without getting in combat even though I told him that hunter traps don’t work like saps.

Then when trying communities out, I never managed to do a run because they didn’t want to pug tank or healers and would rather wait hours to do a key or just not do it at all if there were no tanks or healers available in the community.

Welcome to pug life

This is very normal if you Pug any 5-man content in WoW, even sometimes when you´ve played perfectly. Even some of the big high level streamers have tried being kicked in low level toxic M+ pugs or 5 man content, I know it´s happened to Preach once, it´s pretty funny. I was also once told in vivd detail how I should kill myself in a leveling dungeon even though I had very high IO that patch lol, was genuinely insane.

WoW community is just awful, if you do m+ it´s honestly best to do it in a guild or with friends.

This is true, the really low m+ keys are really chill and cool. Then once you get to like 8-14 m+, where people think they are in some kind of ELO hell, then things start to get real toxic.

It really isn’t.

I’ve pugged to ksm on 3 classes, almost 4 and there hasn’t been that much toxicity compared to playing with the same people every run.

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I think is quite the opposite, when a new season rolls out, especially on 10+ keys, people will be more chill while trying the new affix plus a lot of people also need gear, so they will be also interested in finishing the dungeon instead of flaming/leaving.

Later in the season 15 become really a mix of ton of different players and the player quality Imo drastically lowers in the 15 range as time goes on, so it’s easier to find people annoyed by others doing silly mistakes 5 months into the season.

That´s not a lot though, and I guess you´ve just been lucky. In BFA I tanked a +10 just at the start of season 2, just wanted to get my weekly, joined a group, they went in vivid detail about how I should kill myself because we ´´only´´ +2´ed the dungeon and missed the +3.

Just look at the WoW reddit page, there´s almost a daily post about some new player who gets flamed in casual leveling content in BFA dungeons. You think the same does not happen in m+ ?

No luck involved.

I’ve got closer to what… 300 keys done this season or something and there’s really not been much toxicity. There’s been more leavers than toxic people and even those are few.

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i dont know, i just have my personal experience and it wasnt anything like that.

a couple of days into sl and everyone was already toxic as hell if you didnt know the routes and mobs/bosses because you made mistakes as you havent watched all the guides and videos beforehand. and that was while leveling, didnt get much better with m+.

everyone was just super annoyed all the time, however, that changed the more the expansion went on. now i really have to be lucky to find someone who gets annoyed when someone makes a mistake. i mean, they really need to screw up real bad to get a reaction.

There´s literally a daily post every day at this point on r/wow about how some new player is told they suck and get kicked from groups for no reason in BFA leveling dungeons. I don´t think I´ve had a single really super toxic group in Shadowlands m+, but that´s because the content has been so easy nothing ever really goes wrong. The only time I got a toxic group was where the healer DCed just as I pulled and I got blamed for it.

This season is also one of the easiest M+ seasons in WoW history. I don´t even see how your story is supposed to prove anything. You sign up as some class, you get invited because the group can see you have a high IO, things generally don´t go wrong because getting KSM is super easy and all the content is nerfed to the ground.


That doesn’t mean there’s widespread toxicity. Do you even know how many runs are done without someone getting kicked?

I’m not talking only about this season.

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Your argument is so awful, It´s widely accepted just how atrocious and toxic the WoW community.

Honestly, I don´t even know how we are having this discussion. It´s like someone saying sexual assault isn´t a problem because they´ve never been sexually assaulted.

I´ve provided multiple examples of where I was told I should kill myself, and yet you claim it isn´t a real problem lol? Other posters also attest to the toxicity in the WoW community especially in 5-mans.

I mean, I was even in a guild once where guild members were constantly toxic to the random Pug players we were grouping with, to the point that I left the guild because it was so embarrassing.

A lot of things that aren’t necessarily true are widely accepted as true. Doesn’t mean it’s actually true.

Most runs in m+ is just people saying hey at the start, skip here, lust here and then gg ty for key at the end. There’s really not much talk in any keys I’ve pugged beyond stuff like that. Even when I entered a key in wrong gear nobody said anything when I ran out to put on my resto gear.

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I think that was also due to a couple of reason:

  • seasonal affix was horrible for pugs
  • Dungeon were really overtuned the first few weeks.
  • people were struggling with gear

So I think a lot of things were contributing to a general frustration with keys.

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