Mythic + toxicity

for sure, thats why i said things got a lot better the further we were in the expansion and everyone somewhat knew what they were doing. :slight_smile:

im not saying toxicity doesnt exist but as far as i can tell its far less now than what it was in the beginning. but thats just my experience, others may vary.


What I observed is that reaction to fails is much stronger on people who built their whole ego on this game :smiley: so basically losers - you just have to sigh and move on. As Conceited said:

Well we are two people.

I´ve pugged loads since WoD.

I´ve watched guild mates being toxic to pug members for literally no reason. The guild members sucked and I was basically carrying them, but they decided to blame the random pug member if they died / failed mechanics. Sorry but the Pug healer can´t save you if you stand in fire. I obviously left the guild.

I´ve watched people being kicked in Shadowlands leveling dungeons because they made one mistake, and told they sucked (I made sure to kick the votekickers afterwards). This actually happened twice in The Necrotic Wake dungeon when leveling my Druid from 50-60 where I only did dungeons to level. Both times it was the mistake at the Stitchflesh boss, but obviously it being normal dungeon and me being a strong tank there was never a chance to wipe. People literally just got kicked because they cost us some extra time, just before the final boss.

I´ve seen people being told that they suck and should delete the game because they did low dps. I think the person was playing ret Pala or something? I mean yeah the person sucked. Maybe the lowest dps I´ve ever seen in WoW in a +10 BFA dungeon in S2, no idea how the person had timed every +10 back in BFA S2, but we timed the key and there definitely wasn´t a reason to tell the person to delete the game lol.

Been told to kill myself in key where I +2éd the weekly max dungeon in BFA as tank. First time doing the affix since it was a new season, so not sure how the group just expected to +3 the key. But this was all it took, +2íng the dungeon instead of getting +3.

Been told to kill myself in a leveling timewalking dungeon where a group of friends were playing together and the healer sucked (and the dps too, to be fair). Although even the friends were kind of embarrassed because of how over the top toxic their friend was. Also weird to flame the tank that is higher on the DPS meters than you I guess.

How do you even want to explain this toxicity? You said you were not unlucky, as you see a lot of the toxicity I mentioned wasn´t even targeted at me. I have a lot of other examples but I honestly can´t even remember them all.

@OP - the game is generally very toxic these days in every aspect - pve and pvp… people just get mad over tiniest mistakes.

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I get the feeling you’re not telling the full story here and only one side(your) when you encounter toxicity that often.


What side of the story`? Even if I WERE toxic.

How does me being toxic lead to people getting kicked in Shadowlands leveling dungeons? How does me being toxic lead to other people getting flamed? How does me being toxic lead to random guild members flaming pug members?

Don´t you see that wouldn´t even make sense?

In m+ dungeons I don´t ever speak or say anything except ´´hey guys, gl hf´´ ´´BL plz`´ and ´´gg thx for run take care´´

It´s sad you are in denial about the WoW community.

I’m not in denial. When my experience running hundreds of keys are vastly different from that, it tells me you’re doing something that I’m not.

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Galaxy brain denial. Sort of person who tells girls who´ve been sexually assaulted, you are doing something that I´m not. Maybe you´re wearing too revealing clothes?

Again even Preach mythic world first raider, has encountered toxicity on hidden alts in m+ dungeons and WoW raids. Guess he´s also just a toxic noob who somehow deserves the toxicity.

This only further strengthens my suspicion that you’re leaving stuff out, lol.

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I literally, had not said a SINGLE word in that group when that happened. It was a very weird and bizarre experience.

Last thing I will say.

OP don´t let other WoW players gaslight you, your experiences are valid, and sadly there are a lot of antisocial WoW players who behave very badly. Either you need to develop thick skin or play with friends because sadly this community can be incredibly toxic, especially to players trying to learn.

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You can start with showing pictures of what was said when you were told to kill yourself, including what was said before that, by you. Because from my experience, nobody just throws that out there without the other doing something first to provoke it.

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You have not even addressed all the other cases, where other players were kicked for no reason.

As stated, I didn´t utter a single word (it was just a random timewalking Panderia dungeon).

Sad denialism and victim blaming.

So, deflections.

It is as I suspected, you’re not telling the full story(because you won’t post pictures to show what you said), because it would make you look bad or you’ve just made this stuff up.

You are coming over as really toxic towards Onori atm to be fair with your sarcasm.

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only done up to +7 and very rarely every got anything rude (sorry, refuse to use the faddy word toxic). Had a couple of groups break up but nothing cor blimey. Always say hello, makes things easier. Youll learn which servers to avoid (all german ones, silvermoon and definitely ravencrest) as you play. Avoid inviting people grouped, as they tend to be silent and always the rudest out of the lot. Generally there is also one thats hugely overgeared and the other is vastly undergeared and will give you abuse that the overgeared one is so amazing. Dont invite grouped people, thats my personal experience.

The higher you go, the more trouble youll get … i would imagine.
oh and always say thank you at the end … not ty or gg or anything else kids use to avoid saying the words thank you.

Do you think that I take screenshots or record myself when I play WoW lol? Do you think I record the chat just in case someone does not believe my story a year later on the WoW message boards?

Please explain, why would I make up random stories about people in the groups I play with being abused with toxic behaviour?

Again, even if I were extremely toxic, why would that lead to new players getting kicked from Shadowlands dungeons by the rest of the group? They could also just be bad and not know mechanics, but that is still not a valid kick reason to be fair.

Why would that lead to my guild members flaming innocent people in my m+ group?

It literally does not make any sense.

Because this is internet. I don’t believe stories that are so far away from my experience as someone that pretty much strictly pugs and has done so for a long time that it causes me to question whether someone is telling the full story or not without corroborating evidence, such as pictures. Since Legion I’ve done thousands of m+ keys, of which the vast majority has been pugged, toxicity hasn’t been common enough to call it widespread nor to call it a community problem. When toxicity has occurred, it’s most commonly people saying someone is bad at the game due to low dps or the route being all weird or because they don’t know how to pull through a wall or do a skip. Most of the time when someone doesn’t know how to do a skip or pull through the wall the tank just goes “…” and then just continues pulling.

I’ve had exactly one person in all the m+ keys I’ve done tell me or someone else something that wasn’t related to my or their in-game (perceived) performance and that was wishing I would get cancer for not trading him a ring I looted at the end and instead giving it to my friend. One time has that happened in the thousands of m+ runs I’ve done since Legion. I wouldn’t put that one time down to the community being toxic, instead I’d pin it on that it’s that person being toxic. He never made any appearance again on any of his chars after I reported it when he circumvented the ignore feature, he likely got a long ban or permaban(if he had repeated violations) from it.

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This has been chewed over and over so ill say it to you in a different way. First of all, yes, there is a fair bit of toxicity in the likes of m+. However, when you embark on doing pretty much anything with strangers in WOW, you are actually deciding to obey the unwritten rule, accepting that things can get a bit mental at times. Now you can say you dont like it and it doesnt need to be this way all you want but going against it would pretty much need a complete overhaul on how the Internet shapes our social interactions and we arent quite there yet.

It would need a complete overhaul on human interaction even in real life.

In WoW someone might flame you when you mess up and that’s pretty much it. In real life, you could quickly become known as the person who can’t do anything right if you mess up.

Fine, I just want you to know that every single story is true, not a single one of them were made up, and none of them are the results of exaggeration. If you somehow think I am a crazy person who makes up fake stories, to win arguments on the WoW EU forum, you know what, fine. I just want OP to know that this kind of behaviour is not unusual, and is not the fault of OP regardless of his or her in-game performance.

I will leave some quotes from a popular FFXIV thread on reddit where players who have played WoW talk about the community.

´´BullBLEEP. WoW wasn’t always a BLEEPstorm of toxicity in group content but after years of thisisfine.jpg there is no going back. Don’t ever get complacent with this bullBLEEP. As a recent WoW refugee it is honestly heartwarming to see how little toxicity you all have here (and I don’t mean that in any way to diminish your unique experience).

Now more than ever you guys need to be intolerant of this attitude. There are a ton of new people playing this game coming from a lot of places that can be extremely toxic. It needs to be clear that it’s not acceptable here if you don’t want it to devolve into a much worse state.´´

´´Can second this wholeheartedly. Played WoW before it became a toxic hell hole and steadily watched each time I returned from a break it getting worse and the whole thing being a ratchet effect. Stopped playing because of it.´´

´´This, you are not a meat puppet for their ideal of perfect and efficient play, feel free yo learn how to do things well, but if you are a tank, you set the damn pace, push back if someone tries to force you to wall to wall if you dont feel ready and feel free to let them die if they pull ahead of you after you tell them not to.

Do not reward BLEEP behavior. I was a tank in WOW, it was awful.´´

These are all just quotes, you can find them your self if you use google, if you for some reason do not trust me (had to edit out swear words with BLEEP)

Some would of course say, well that´s just the internet, aren´t all communities inherently toxic due to the anonymity afforded to us? Well, no, because a lot of other communities ban / punish bad behaviour, WoW, does not. Even Dota sent people to lower priority for toxic behaviour.

Lastly, it should be said, for the sake of our discussion I will admit that I tank on pretty much every character I play, which might be why I personally experience more toxicity than the majority of the playerbase. Because as a DPS player or healer I have never even been flamed a single time since Vanilla WoW.