[N-RP] Evermore Entries

Finally, for what feels like the first time in ages, there was someone else who could “babysit”, and I could meet up with the Hand again.

They are jammed into some trouble in Northrend now, it seems, and I am relieved it was a place that feels somewhat familiar.

Additionally, we fought ghouls and necromancers, which also felt quite… homey.

We took some hits, but by the Light, we dismantled those undeads and sorcerers REAL good!

Limbs flying, corpses burning…

Fortunately, we managed to avoid the colossal storm giant in the area, but there were indications that it, too, will have to be dealt with eventually…

It is good to be back. I hope my responsibilities will allow more of this.


I think I have everything I need. After speaking with that Tauren last week, I started making preparations, and my bags are packed with many days worth of food and (warm) clothes.

There are shops and traders in the settlements, but with the increased activity she spoke of, I suspect those may not be as well stocked as they used to be.

Dad doesn’t approve, of course, but then again, he never does. At least he calmed down a little when uncle Paul said he’d go along and keep an eye on me. I made it clear to uncle Paul that I’m not going to sit idly while he holds my hand, though.

Northrend, here I come.


In a journal worn by travels, and (poorly) carved with skulls, there is a relatively recent entry, in functional, but crude handwriting.

So, that was the end of my bloodline, I guess.

We did what we could, but that evil sorcerer had too many tricks up his sleeve…
Not to mention the stupid paladin who betrayed us.

In this rare instance, I am grateful that Arthas and the Scourge made me less emotional. Seeing how Kaylana reacted, I would surely be utterly miserable right now if I were still alive and well. Probably even crying.

I will do my best to honor them through my actions.

Perhaps we will meet again, somehow, in some version of afterlife.

Below the journal entry, there is a bad drawing of what looks like some type of zooming goggles.



This journal entry is very fresh, although its page is bookmarked with a piece of dried seaweed.

Another mountain hike with The Band.
This was the worst one I’ve ever been on.
Avalanches, brutal winds, sheer cliffs, and a peak so high, everything I could see below, through the Mists, was just tiny specks…
It was very interesting, though, and it was great seeing the Botanists again after so long.


In a journal with faint traces of fel, there’s an entry from Love-is-in-the-air day.

I’ll count this as attending a Botany Band event.

When Lillian initially approached me with her “Laventimes” idea, I first thought it was silly, but as I thought about it, it occurred to me that it might be exactly what we all needed in these times.

Some people think this “holiday” is just about quick romance, shallow flirting, and goblin profit, but I think it is much deeper than that.

I’m not much for romance, myself, but I really liked the idea of showing a more compassionate and caring kind of love this evening, and I could not think of a better way to that, than Lillian’s idea about giving the Darnassian refugees some kindness and cheer, along with a nice, warm meal.

I must admit it felt pretty good to be complicit to the endeavor, even though finishing those lavender shirts in time was quite the undertaking.

At least Lillian did all the dirty work; fishing all that fish, gutting it, and cooking it - although I did provide the fire…

It’s odd that she insisted on delivering that last shirt herself, to the demon hunter’s widow. She seemed quite stressed about it, but on the other hand, she let me send the gnome’s shirt directly to him, even though it seemed he was relatively new to the group.
But hey, we’re all a little weird, I guess…
Makes us a bit more interesting, I suppose.

Happy Love-is-in-the-air-day, Morton.

(Definitely not going on a date with a succubus tonight.)


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