Hi, was a little clueless what to add in tagline… so added something funny(?). Host can change that at their own choice I don’t mind!
Signing up for: Moonball
In-Character name: Brigita Starshot
In-Game name: Brigitá
Optional for IC introductions:
Homeland: Val’sharah
Tagline: … The Warden!
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Signing up for: Moonball
In-Character name: Dorian Hood
In-Game name: Hood
Optional for IC introductions:
Homeland: Westfall
Tagline: " From the farmlands of Westfall, weighing in at 165 pounds, the Voice of the Voiceless, Dorian Do-Good"
The tagline can be anything from the character’s favorite quote (“Time is money, Friend!”) to a small message for the audience or even a title. It’s an optional touch to add a bit more flavor and give the audience something to remember when the contestants are introduced!
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Signing up for: Moonball
In-Character name: Arkana’san Moonshadow
In-Game name: Arkanasan
Optional for IC introductions:
Homeland: Ashenvale
Tagline: “Whether Moon balls or Wrath balls, she doesn’t miss her target!”
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Signing up for the moonball tournament.
Ic name: Lysondra Del’ahriza
Ingame name: Lysondra
From: Zin’azshari
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Signing up for: Loremaster Tournament
In-Character name: Selen Arrowstar
Armory name: Arrowstar
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Signing up for: Moonball
In-Character name: Isuna Wyldvrsen
Armory name: Isuna
Optional for IC introduction:
Homeland: Gilneas.
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Tournament spots at the time of writing:
Moonball: 12/16
Loremaster: 6/6 - full! 
Activity Map
Here is the updated activity map, with the market stall spots assigned! For this festival, I aimed to keep everything within Nighthaven to create the feel of a bustling town. My hope is that, especially on Friday the layout will encourage a sense of exploration, allowing visitors to wander around and discover things organically. I hope this setup adds to the overall experience!
Red: Friday activities | Yellow: Saturday activities | White: Both days
Spot |
Stall name |
1 |
Travelling Tails |
2 |
Wyvernstrider’s Honey Meads |
3 |
Scavenger’s Delight |
4 |
Dustcloud Bazaar |
5 |
Lucky Charms |
6 |
Hide and Seek |
7 |
Starwoven Alchemics and Talismans |
8 |
9 |
Hono |
10 |
Borealis Bakery |
11 |
The White Lasher |
12 |
Moonlit Sandfox Tavern |
13 |
T-K Studios |
14 |
Oodles of Noodles |
15 |
Catch the Blue Child |
I’ll also reach out to each of the stallholders individually with a message to make sure everyone knows where they’re assigned.
I am terribly sorry, Acrona! But it seems I jumped the gun and got the date’s confused!
I assumed this was next weeks friday! So sadly I have to withdraw my sign up for the Moonball Tournament, but I suppose this gives other people a fair chance to win, aswell!
Next year I’ll be there, hopefully!
(Edit: I’ll be there 80% sure on Saturday, tthough!)
Play rehearsal 
Lantern Show rehearsal 
Regarding the latter, I’ll remind about this again on Friday and include it in the activity section: to see all the particle effects featured in the Lantern Show, please adjust your game settings as follows:
Game Menu > Options > Graphics > Spell Density = Everything

Signing up for: Moonball
In-Character name: Ishandria Nightbloom
In-Game name: Ishandria
Optional for IC introductions:
Homeland: Ashenvale
Tagline: "Help, how does this work?"
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Signing up for: Moonball
In-Character name: Elstin of Virbroc
Armory name: Elstin
Optional for IC introductions:
Homeland: Arathi Highlands
Tagline: “Light’s Crudeness”
My own contribution to the Friday and Saturday raffles:
The top row will be drawn on Friday, and the bottom on Saturday. Each trinket is inspired by the War of the Ancients and the different races involved, both for diversity and so that I can incorporate lore nuggets into the raffles as well. I think this helps make the prize draw feel more connected to the origins of the Lunar Festival!
Links to the in-game cross-faction community and Music Room have been added to the opening post & Carrd! I’ll also have links to them from Kaitalos’s TRP.
Horde characters participating in the tournaments are especially encouraged to join the community, as it will make it easier to invite you to the raid group when the time comes. For others, it’s optional but still useful for market stall mini-games run by the opposite faction, which use /rolls to determine the results. Naturally, I recommend the stallholders running those mini games to join the community as well!