Sounds like my kind of party! Will have to check this out
We are open today too! Feel free to pay us a visit and rest from that though event you just probably went through.
Drinking Contest: The Mug Champion!
Rumors spread around other Inns, a Drinking competition will take place in Shipwrecks Tavern this Saturday, a simple challenge where the last one standing will win a considerable amount of gold, a chance for some easy money? maybe… if you have the guts.
Contest Mechanic’s (OOC:)
This system is a work in progress and it can change, suggestions are welcome.We will use a D20 dice and increasing checks, so the first round you will need to roll over 2, second round over 4 and so forth.
You will get a modifier depending on your race:
- The biggest races like Tauren, Trolls, Kul Tiran, Draenei and Pandaren will get a +6.
- Dwarfs are famous for being good at this so they get +5
- Humans, Orcs, Worgen, Elfs and Forsakens (that can still get drunk) get a +4
- Goblins Gnomes and Vulperas have +3
- If your particular character is good at this and you demostrate it through RP, you can get an additional +1
The more you drink of course the more points you will loose, the last one standing wins, simple as, things like intimidating your oponents, winning the crowd, bluffing and mischievous tacticts are encouraged, two random judges will be choose among the crowd to decide this things.
Cheers for the night folk… and sorry I kinda… threw up in front of the tavern…
This week, the winner and the big Winner of the drinking competition is deserved for our humain Emiliënne who deserved the price of 20 GOLDS and 2 FREE DRINKS !
Hope to see you all next week!
Today for execeptional reasons we open our Tavern TODAY! Come take a little drink with our new menu and better prices for everyone!
Thats right Folks! The Tavern comes on a special day this week! Feel free to come in and relax a bit.
Sorry for late news, but this weekends tavern opening is cancelled. I hope to see you all at our humble abode next week!
It’s that day of the week once more, when Shipwreck Tavern opens!
Have you ever wondered what the other factions Brewfest has to offer?
WELL, look no further, for we have acquired a list of the most exquisite beverages only available during BREWFEST!
Rumor has it, even a wayward “Aurora Borealis” has found its way into our menu.
Little posters can be seen around Orgrimmar for the Brewfest Event in the Shripwreck Tavern, showing very affordable price around on thoses rares ale crossfactions, but what ale could it be? to know that, you will need to be here!
In very little characters, is written under the menu : " The normal menu is still available with food and drinks from all around the world, don’t hesitate to Tip the bartender, he is going to suffer with drinks tonight, No, it’s not me, I mean, yes, but no. "
Little posters can be seen around Stormwind for the Brewfest Event in the Shripwreck Tavern, showing very affordable price around on thoses rares ale crossfactions, but what ale could it be? to know that, you will need to be here!
In very little characters, is written under the menu : " The normal menu is still available with food and drinks from all around the world, don’t hesitate to Tip the bartender, he is going to suffer with drinks tonight, No, it’s not me, I mean, yes, but no. "
Looking forward to see all of you again next Saturday!
The Mug Champion 2 is TODAY folks! Come and prove you are the BEST in all Azeroth.
Gilded Tusks may come by to visit soon
This pleases me!!!
Open for business today, come have a few drinks and relax.
We, the Defias, are happy to have the Far Delvers at our tavern in Moonbrook tonight, serving drinks and such! Come by and enjoy the festivities of Westfall!
This Week, on Booty Bay!
This week will be special, as we move our Tavern to Booty Bay this weekend, to be part of the Coopers of Booty Bay Market event, we will have exotic items for sell, as well as our usual selection of drinks and food.
Today! And only Today! Come and visit us in Booty Bay! Where we will be having our famous selection of food and goodies!
Incredible bunch.