📰 Names of guilds that got a very good name

Lets say my guild for ally alts didnt age well…



PvP Guild that made me stop and think, dont want to mess with them


One that needs a second to think how good it is

Protectors of the Lost Sword

Thick Thighs Saves Lives

how? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


“It hurts when I pvpee” has always made me chuckle.


:girl: :heavy_plus_sign: :girl:


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Nah. It’s a funny guild name. Nobody promotes rape, it’s just a funny guild name. Get over yourself and relax a bit.


i agree, i like it when girls dont say no to bringing me a glass off water

I always like “Stormwind tech support”

and for any Dutch speakers out there.
There used to be a guild named “strontvreters” on the old Armory.

Translates into “poopeaters”

I always liked “time for plan B”.

I’ll just leave a message after the beep

This guild name always made me laugh:


I recently saw someone in a guild named “simping for moonberry”. Very weird name.

Once saw a screenshot of a Draenei named “Pilot”, with the title “of the Exodar” in a guild called “Now Unemployed”

Had me chuckling for a little while.


Only one I saw in game that made me laugh was ‘Ross Kemp on Guilds’, but that’s an old reference now.

Exhalted With McDonalds is the best one in this thread.



****any lotr fantasy name


That’s gotta be the best guild name i ever saw.

I bet the GM goes like this.

“Let’s see guild name report oh let’s see…”

“Sapped girls can’t say…no?”


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Considering the game is supposed to be safe for kids and we cannot use even the most mild swear words in chat etc. Then it shouldn’t be there and should be banned. If the game was 18 rated and there was a noticed about (bad imho) sexual ‘humour’ then maybe, but even then it is very, very bad taste.

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