National Anthem Of Horde?

Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug Zug or something like that.

This is official horde premade anthem

146% legit information, i’ve tested it myself. as soon as you queue random bgs and game puts you in a premade with fellow russians against random eu alliance players this song plays in your headphones on loop.

And before you ask… russian alliance is just non canon, a made up fanfic. We bleed zug zug red.

Definitely the Horde attacking Stormwind right here:

basically the state of the horde with its new warchief changes

but in all seriousness, “STORM, EARTH, FIRE HEED MY CALL!”
oh and there’s also a nice cover of times change that will be good

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It’s got to be “The Day is my Enemy” by the Prodigy, especially the youtube
version where someone put a video from ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ to it.

Desert?: Check.
Semi Naked men?: Check.
Overblown machismo whilst the women are the ones doing something?: Check.
Gratuitous abuse of power to no real effect?: Check.
Warpaint?: Check.
Lots of Fire?: Check.
Lots of spikes for no real reason, and spikes on the spikes?: Check.

Good song though… Works with the video they connected to it as well…

chuggity chug shreddity shred thumpity thump, scream !

I really don’t get metal, sorry

imagine the odour at those kind of gigs ! spirits, sweat and rank patchouli - no thanks,
my older brother does all that and wont play games -

gimme some prog, when I can link stuff on this account I will return with something appropriate

Given their absolutely awesome videos like the above…

can you imagine sabaton doing a defence of Orgrimmar track

itd be insane! No other band makes you want to cleave skulls like these guys!



you are ignorant sir…metal has many different forms and a hell of a lot of talent.

I swear that first one was the first thing i had in mind when i read the thread tittle

Damn awesome man!

though i have to say theres 2 differing types of horde player…

here we have the anthem for the old school, the barrens chat loving, pvp enjoying orcs of rage…

And here we have the anthem for the present day lot of whiney cry babys who moan when killed, see world pvp as ganking and threatenable by reporting and constantly moan and whine in a very emo fashion whenever something in the game isnt to their liking…

the blood elf horde in other words

(post tounge in cheek, dont cry to hard hordeemos :P)

ye - not sure why peopel make fun of this song when so many people hooked up because of it when it was playing in discos :stuck_out_tongue: same like with :

too obvious…

well manowar is not bad but what about beast in black and powerwolf :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: perfect for spaming dungeons :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

There is only one

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if your gonna go there it has to be the live version…I wanna know where level 60(post level squish) elite Tauran chieftain are? :stuck_out_tongue:

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