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That’s how you know it’s good :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
When you want to become more like an the author :wink:

To OP:

Great job on the video, chad.
Keep em coming :relieved:


I’m happy it works for you, but I’m just not cut out for that. I would make a disruptive, impatient and unreliable member of such a group as this. I would never say my way is the right way, or the best way, but it is who I am. We play the cards we’re dealt, personality-wise, and my personality means I’m much more comfortable doing my own thing most of the time. I’ve tried playing WoW in other ways - I see the benifits and rewards, and I see that in some ways I’m missing out - but it doesn’t work for me. Nobody’s fault, nobody to blame, just the way it is.


Well, the answer to that is two-fold:
First of all, the thing you describe here:

I despise that sort of behaviour. You’re having fun at the expense of other people’s fun. That’s just not okay.

Second: The idea that someone would expect me to drop MY fantasies, my identity, my creative drive just to be part of this group. It feels wrong to me. It feels like a cult. And if anyone would try and recruit me for such a thing I’d kindly tell them where they can stick it. :blush:

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I can’t wait to see your lecturer’s reaction when you hand them a hastily written essay about trying to grief people in World of Warcraft: a Videogame.

Are you going to include the part where your guildies scream racist memes and slurs on discord?


Hey, if they leave WM on. Thats their own fault :slight_smile:

Ah, The Rotgarde. Back with more false claims. Perhaps your guild will stop interacting with horses.

Edit: Uh oh, here they come.

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Here comes the cavalry… literally.

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Ten minute double reply? You guys are slipping.

Hey, here’s an idea for another bit of research if you can’t reach your arbitrary 100 reply mark:

Studying the effects of bullying IRL in a person’s formative years and how that informs their actions in their later years; you can even poll your own members!


Sorry, but our social experiment relates to a virtual video game, not real world actions. Please keep your acts & fantasy’s to yourself.

I will take a minute to say that if you are trying to derail the topic @Vilem and all others who will follow his steps, you are not welcome here, and I would also advise everyone to flag their replies for trolling, since they are disruptive to this thread.

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Is it part of your social experiment to get easily clapped by the Alliance any time you try something? Would be an interesting angle to it, giving up some part of your individual identity to become a joke on your server. :thinking:

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Anecdotal accounts from players impacted by your social experiment are not valid? What kind of sham study is this?

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When you can quote yourself

It sounds like you have personally been effected by this Social Experiment. Please rate your enjoyment of being involved out of 10. 10 being high.


At this point they are just bumping my forum post on the General Discussions forum, and we should actually thank them (P.S. They are the people we usually gank so it’s reasonable that they act this way whenever we post, so do not get surprised).

Back on topic: I’m awaiting more answers on questions 1 and 2 from you guys. :grin:

The short answer is No. What is fun for one isn’t necessarily fun for someone else. Regardless of my opinion it sounds like you are having great fun and I wish you the best of luck.

I wouldn’t join a guild whose primary objective you described was to engage in PvP and everyone have the same name. For me it would suck all the fun out of the game. In addition to that the other requirements (even it were PvE activities) would make it an undesirable prospect.

I am an individual, I am not Borg. I want my own name that I choose and I hate names with weird letters. I’d rather create a variation of a name than have to butcher it. I enjoy being able to do what I want in game when I want. Some of my interests will be shared with my guildies or friends but there is plenty in game I do without them too. I would never join somewhere that told me what transmog I can or can not wear.

A full officer team vs a GM and an officer team offers very little difference in how it is run, in my opinion. The outcome is the same. As an officer/GM I would hate to deal with a complaint from an a player not in the guild, well which Abomination was the offender…

I have heard of people doing all of a specific race guilds or all of a specific class guilds before. I even had friends who set up a guild where you couldn’t be taller than a dwarf (so essentially gnomes and dwarves). None of them made you have to have the same name or dress identical.

I would find it unlikely that I’d be interested in anything like that. I like diversity. I don’t like guilds of one nationality either. I like a mix in everything :slight_smile:


I would rate it an 8. It’s fun to see people put in so much effort for very little success, but I have to subtract 2 for yelling racial slurs at people over voice chat after you invite them.

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Are you actually basing your schoolwork on this, or is it just another epic meme

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Thank you for your ratings.
Additional Information: You forget the discord link was advertised publicly. No proof is valid that is was our guild, it could’ve even been your guild. Please drop the false claims, and return to the gate.

Education is not a joke.

Despite this not being my thread, i’d like to thank Punyelf for the genuine post and response, was a good read.

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No, but you guys are; hence why I asked.

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You are “slipping”

I think you will reconsider these well-wishes

This “guild” is dedicated to griefing the one and only active role play realm AD, keep in mind they are only dedicated to it because so far they have achieved nothing but being forcefully renamed and banned from the forums a few times

But the embarrassing thing rly is

I think these days they have fled the AD forums because they cannot handle opposing oppinions and present themselves as some weird funny meme guild while it is instead just greasy basement gaming