Neptulon (PvP) Alliance Reconnections

Weren’t you in Uncensored either? :wink:

My toons:
Elluna, Human Paladin, Retribution, Neptulon, Bulgaria (herb/alchemy)
Aivana, Night Elf Priest, Holy, Neptulon, Tayloring/Enchanting
later: Elluna was converted to Undead Priest, Neptulon, (Tayloring/Enchanting) also toon played on TBC.

Looking for:

Conjuror, Human Warlock, (Ench/Taylor) from Bulgaria
SilentArrow, Night Elf Hunter (Skinning/Leatherworking, from Bulgaria
( there was also a druid and mage, playing in our team with the above two, however I forgot your names D: )
Kay, Night Elf Warrior

Anyone else who I forgot to mention, please feel free to contact me on Golemagg-Europe-PVP, use the name Elluna or BattleNetTag: Neltharion#2127!

Even if you are not on the same server, I would be happy to hear from any of you guys! Wish you luck and joy in your adventures, welcome back!

Laurelin - Night Elf Hunter, moved from Warsong.

I was part of the close to my heart Gummi Bears, House of Lloth and then Dawn of Victory. I am recognizing many of you guys and have a stash full of screenshot with your ugly pixeleted mugs :smiley: So nice to hear from you. Especially Incubus and Nomka :heart_eyes:

I made a classic char on a whim on Ashbringer with few friends. We’re playing alliance and my character is called well… Laurelinka. Don’t judge the inspired naming scheme!

Lutcha - Human male paladin, Originally from Russong, then to Neptulon.
Lutchador - Wolfboy Deathknight

was in SIN with Theodoré, Hi Theo btw, and later The Dark Templars.

I remember Jacklin getting rank 14, got rank 12/13 being healbot for the pvp team back then

Used to play as Fintanis gnome warlock! Came from warsong as well. I dont remember much of guild names though. For sure i was at some point in Dawn of Victory this i can remember :slight_smile:


Kahluat: Human Warrior (The Dark Embrace) I left the game (hardcore-raiding)after the kelthuzad kill I leveled lots of alts but never been played that much to kill a boss, for those years it was important to be the first but it cost me to leave the game:)

Alts: cardinalmk/malibux/metaxa/hungryhippo

we were 3 friends as me+cabbar+camoka

I am planing to check out the classics if I have time hope to see you.

Gnorfan: Gnome Rogue - Furious
Arilion: Night Elf Priest - Furious/Broken

Abuseheal / Kimandreas / Daudensangel - Dwarf male Priest
Guild: Screams

I remember some names here from when I used to heal in AB groups.
Neptulon is the realm that made most of my memories in vanilla, sadly I was a sh**kid back then.

I’ve been leveling on a RP realm now and a PvP. The RP realm has the most authentic vanilla feeling over the PvP realms, simply because people are helpsome and very social.

So if anyone is reading this I would recomend a populated RP / RP-PvP realm if you are thinking about starting.

Name: Monglan
Class/Race: Mage/Gnome
Guild: Infected/Screams (for a bit)
Was pvping outside Ironforge like always. Was 14 yo so dont remember many ppl.
I am looking for a friend i played with called Doomforge - Dwrf Hunter! :slight_smile:

edit: obviously my current name is inspired by the priest nelf back in the days

Meilin - Dwarf Female Warrior- Guildmaster of Hypnotic will play on TBC

bnettag - ERASERIUS#2477

Whatup /Meilin Hypnotic!

I remember such paladin very well, Lightkeeper was handling the paladins in Hypnotic ! with regards from /Meilin :slight_smile:

Arkaneor - tauren shaman in Good Omen and Wave of Mutilation
Aliya - human mage in GET TO DA CHOPPA (for a while)
Playing this character on Gehennas EU now


Name: Veiro
Class/Race: Hunter/Night Elf
Guild: Work In Progress
Period played: Vanilla - Early Cata

Arogan (main) - Human Paladin
Moulen (alt) - Night Elf Death Knight

I used to roll around with the guild Hysteria. I joined them mid-way through the expansion and they were by far the best people I’ve met online to this day.

Warheart#21789 if anyone would like to reconnect. :slight_smile: