Nerf balance druids?

Anything basically interrupts convoke. Outside of that they’re pretty docile. If you’ve blown your cc or interrupt already before convoke, it’s pretty much on you that you die.


Spot on, we get a potentially very powerful option, once every 2 minutes but that potential is so easily nullified that it makes it an almost useless ability when playing against those who are aware enough to counter it. Once countered, you’re left facing a kinda squishy, kinda meh dmg opponent.

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Ye ye…ill categorize 3x 9k ferocious bites in a row as nothing from now on.

Ok so dude posted about his experience with boomking killing him in under 1 sec window and you come in with “go complain about others because they can kill you in two seconds”…something doesnt really ad up here …

Thread is about Balance druids :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

He made a silly post, the only way for a druid to kill you in convoke is pretty much you not reacting. If you wasted all your interrupts and defensive cooldowns that is your fault.

Yes, you should because that is all from convoke and you have a wide range of tools to deal with it as a priest. It’s really learning to play for you.
He’s a tip, greater fade the next time you see a feral use it then thank me late. and be happy that you avoided the nerf hammer.

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