NERF DH en WARIOR + SOLO shuffle

Add lightbound orcs to alliance when Yrel inevitably shows up for her villain bat arc.

They can be lead by Exarch NotGarrosh Hellscream

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I’m not Garrosh Hellscream I’m my original character, Barrosh Bellscream

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AU Grom had another kid who is definitely NOT Garrosh but I would bet a decent scratch of gold they end up naming him Garrosh anyway, in “honour of his dead timelost brother” or something.

Post conversion, he goes by his draenei name, Garuun.

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Probably, but they might suprise us, seeing as Geya’rah isn’t called Thrall nor Go’ell. Or is even the same gender as Thrall.

Weird nobody on the Horde ever brings up Geya’rah being Alt-Thrall, tho

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