Nerf disc already

Rogues have always been gods, even more so now. You’re acting like Paladins are crap.

Aug Evoker says hello

Disc priest been in damage control and propaganda mode since DF. They keep posting how average disc is.

I assume because either they hope to dodge nerfes or don’t want to admit to be carried by class

Yesterday i faced a voidweaver Disc on my Holy and he was pumping insane (meele lobby

Also insane DK that was not gripping him in
A assa that not silence him on cd or if someone try too interrupt him they donated him precoq

He was undead so i could not go in for a fear
So i stand back and PVE heal the M+ show with over a million hps every round, was not enaugh

With no Disc nerf in the world could this people beat him, if the basic that you need too interrupt and micro cc him are missing

Bad people that M+ make Disc stronger then he is

Not even that abomination of a spec. Any playable spec should remain playable. Nerfing to the ground has no place in that.

I had a fight vs shadow priest 1v1 with my Hunt.
The fight ended close with him dying and i was near 20% HP left.
When he revive he respeced disc just to do the same dmg as shadow and double Its heal.

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