They recently nerfed hunter’s Defensives, so … NO! only case a hunter is op is MM hunter in BGs paired with a Good healer. in every other PvP game modes hunters are not that op compared to any other class. if hunters are op then why they aren’t first picks for rated PvP.
Cope. You know you just suuuuuuck
nah i don’t. But you just add a thing you belive without adding proof so that means you suck
Nah, bro you dont know how to play paladin lmao. Go learn.
Remove Lay on Hands, bubble and freedom in pvp and then we can talk. Also make Wake of Ashes a 1 min cd.
NaH BrO YoU dOnT kNoW hOw To PlAy HuNtEr Go LeArN
You are a Semi ranged class that mainly focuses on support. Learn to use it and you will be able to climb rating.
You can’t be Semi ranged, have tons of support and a better slow. Calm down
Nah we paladins are used to being nerfed to the ground. We’re actually now decent not op not up but decent.
Remove those abilities first and then we can talk. A full immunity with full ability to do anything? Get rid of it. A full emergency heal? Rid of it, you are already able to spamheal yourself. An absorbshield on a low cd? Gone. Full dps cooldowns literally every 30 seconds? Longer cd. Basically a ranged dps while being melee? Nope, decrease that range, its ridiculous.
Note that i dont really want to see these gone, im just pointing out why a ret complaining about tools is a joke.
Its been clearly explained why a ret shouldnt be complaining about a hunter ever, and if they do well, it mostly just looks funny.
We used to have one in legion i think it was and it was amazing.
At this point, whenever a person creates a post like this, I play a little game called “is it a paladin”. So far 4/5 times it is.
Speaking of “broken af”, how about nerfing some of that insane Paladin damage while we are at it.
we arn’t broken we’re decent just look at logs. After years of being nerfed at the bottom of the list we can be op if we’re skilled but you all others are used to being op af
You seething, because you know you suck bag wooden sticks in pvp
please use english words and you don’t use any context you just state what you belive okey and now begone baby goat
Can’t fix your iq if you don’t understand english.
Now go learn to play some pvp.
First of all. My iq is higher than yours could ever be, even in your most wet dream. And second either you quit being toxic and unpleasent or i’ll tell all of my friends to report you for harrasment. You’ve been warned.
I mean rapid fire is obnoxious damage on a near impossible to stop. It’s a channel that can’t be interrupted like a spell Channel and is on a short cooldown that also resets and hits for like 250k+ every half second or less.
Pure dps class heals have become silly with the right set up hunters have 3-4 heals and a massive range advantage with a slow/root removal every 20 sec plus a cd for it plus turtle plus FD and damage reduction and crit immune.
And on top hunters have some of the best control kit in the game.
But again all pure dps have become silly with heals now
Problem is the same as always arena and normal PvP needs to be separated, balance on arena messes up all other group PvP content as arena balance always come first.
Been damaging the PvP scene forever
Thank you. And yes the constant healing, long range constant slows and distancing is making it impossible to get to them and even if you do mannage to do that. Their dps is way to op considering they can heal tank and dps like a frecking raid team
Yeah sure buddy, your iq is so high you suck at playing paladin in wow, literal braindead class I’m Einstein compared to you right now.
Already reported you from trolling, now move on and learn to play
How am i trolling? Also i can easilly beat you. And brb gonna tell my friends to report you. And last but not least, i have all the skills i need you however arnt even level 80 you need to get gut and level up or is doing a bit of content to much for you? Now go learn to play and stop detrailing the thread noob