Yeah some classes have real easy time and some classes really struggle to just barely make it through them. I do believe some tuning is necesarry so that everybody can have a shot at doing it without having to much of a struggle
Not really.
You can never balance everything ingame towards all specs.
You can complete Torghast on all specs. Sure, some require a little more effort. But you made a choice to play that char, then you just have to accept that not everyone is equal. As long as everone is viable.
Its not viable have you seen the differnce between paladin tank and druid tank compared to what i play warrior tank?
They do high threat generation have self healing and do decent dps as were warior only has good protection if you can cast ignore pain often enough which in turn drops a prot warriors dps because he cant spent rage on attacking but needs it for ignore pain…
Then if you look at shadow priest they are really op right now so a vid today of someone 1 shotting a boss at layer 5 or 6 thats insane. So yeah some tuning would not be bad
That maybe so but this topic is about thorgast and i believe that they should do some tuning within thorgast.
were shadow priests and mages need to do a bit more then 1 shot and some other classes have a little easier that they do not have to start all over again or complete with like 1% health left like me on layer 2 when i did it solo
Singlehandedly made shadowlands worse than legion. Torghast isn’t even wow its a horrible minigame that takes an hour and can be incompletable depending on luck.