[H]New Fresh Realm | <Timeless> WOTLK Hardcore Guild | Now Recruiting

This is a joke right?


What makes you say that? Sounds pretty realistic.



Looking very good

What are your raiding days/times?
And also if you got 20 people, what classes are you looking for?

Hey buddy, we have not established the exact raiding days but it’s gonna be always in the evening times.

We are currently still looking for all classes since most of us are very flexible :slight_smile:

Nice intro! GL with the project :love_you_gesture:

Sounds awesome!

I would love to join, but I can only do 8:30 or later raid start times. Any ballpark on the times? I’m fine on weekdays as you specified earlier.

You mean 8:30 pm? Well we plan something around 8 or 8:30 pm so it should be fine

Excellent team // can’t wait for WOTLK to launch!

This sounds awesome! I’d be very happy to join if you would have me?

Very exited about this project!

Thumbs up!

Looks very promising!

Contradictory statement , you can´t min/max without Ego-Andy´s impossible :wink:

WoTLK P-server experience is like riding a bike with stabilizers

Good luck though :wink:

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Big misconception you have there my friend. It is very well possible :slight_smile:

hehe ill take this more as a joke with a true core. arent we all a bit of an ego andy sometimes?! :*

I’d be interested! I’ll add you lot to discord.

Just… lol.

This looks so great , been looking for something like this for a while , would join you in a heartbeat but pretty sure de Dk dps spots are already filled … they always are :smiley:

As we plan to have several raiding groups we will not reject any class at this point. Feel free to contact us on discord :slight_smile: