So fresh might be out before Aug 7… Hmmm
Nope August 15 more likely. First 2-3 weeks XP buff alone Then same day Pre-patch and fresh servers with still ongoing buff then launch Sep 26.
To claritfy
Fresh comes WITH pre-patch, NOT before.
Why not give people more time to level before wotlk
those that can’t play 24/7 have no chance
I personally will be making a alt at least while my realm is dead for now until we see what blizzard will do in a few weeks with it.
Would be nice starting on a even setting too, even if it means I’ll have to level again /cry
What will spoil it is if transfers are allowed not long after, because it makes it pointless.
Your post should be used as a sticky here =)
So true, sadly…
Make it so that only overpopulated or imbalanced fresh start realms can transfer
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