New Players in WoW | TOXIC

There is harder content if you wish to do so. Its more about that we have layers for every level of play. And people that cant play higher or dont want to tend to be the most toxic ones of them all.

In terms of difficulty, m+10 and up and heroic and mythic raids are fine. There’s much less toxicity there. The problem is that it takes a while to get to that point, especially for a new player. M+ has ZERO introduction, there were threads here some time ago about people not knowing it existed.

The problem is that the default game is easy, and you need to push yourself, to seek challenge. But you still have to slog through the easy stuff and deal with the toxic players it raises. Not to mention that these players, who are used to the game being easy need to get well into the endgame, get to m+10 or heroic raiding before they get an ego check. In my opinion, the ego check can come earlier. Like level 20.

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Best way to combat it to my experience is to actually clearly show that the raging doesnt affect you.

For a new player? Yes. For an older player? Debatable. Also depends what one would define “a while” as.

Ye thats correct. Should do a dungeon like the one from the new starting zone.

They dont really want to advance. They want to be a – as to compensate for their ego. Like ive seen so many people with LFR/Normal that were toxic but the amount of glads/mythic raiders ive seen with that attitude was probably less than a handful. The higher ones may THINK that as well but they dont type/say it because its pointless.

It may also be the mentality that started with wotlk which resulted in: “what? a wipe? Imma leave this group instantly! i expected a oneshot! in a pug! Bloody amateurs!”

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Indirectly: Make people more aware of what good gameplay skills are. Rising their expectations of pugs, so when someone do not do optimal plays, setups or gearing he/she got flamed

Directly: Clickbating on the hot topics, showing everything in a negative light. People are more drawned to bad news naturaly. Spreading misery


More often then not this ingame mentality is transferable to real life mentality - But people tend to get even more bigmouthed and though hiding behind the anonymity of the internet.

Its not only new players experiencing it. But yeah its worse when it happens to a new player, because it can potentially make that person quit before he even begins, and in the long term lead to a lack of recruitment to the game. So it should be in blizz best interest to adress this seriously.

I did a mythic dazar alor transmog run recently, on my dh, and at Opulence i experienced a terrible lag, did a couple of computer resets but still had the same, found out that some addons were causing it.

Pug failed bigtime on Opulence aswell, couple of guys yelled and screamed “USE YOUR BRAINS YOU RETARDED NOOBS INBRED MONGRELS” and it was quite fun, trolled them for the lolz just for them to get even mader.

Told the group i couldnt go on with this lag anyway, left group for only to get whisper from this paladin: “YOU SUCK BADLY DELETE UR LIFE KEK” - trolled him like a lot, “Checked your armory bro, compliment coming from someone who has a rio score of 200” - And he went just mad. Just mad.

So yeah. In my experience very toxic players are bad players. And whenever you find toxicity in more challenging content its not the really good players neither, just some mediocre people Echo/Method-wannabes.

Best way to adress it? Probably giving them their own medicine, often when one moron hacks at one particulary player rest of group dont stand up for him, that would actually be the best.

I dont believe in blizzard punishing people for this, i believe more in community taking action themselves and let these morons hear it.

Its a case of game companies allowing toxicity to go unpunished for so long that toxic players are now comfortable being vile humans to others because they know nothing will come of it.

This isn’t solely a problem in WoW but its a problem across the entire gaming community and personally the only place I haven’t seen high amounts of toxicity is FFXIV which im sure it happens but its no where near as prevelant than in WoW/League/OW/Dota2/CoD and various other online games.

The only way for this to get fixed overall is to be overly harsh to people who are toxic and perm banning players for being toxic but it wont happen because that involves Blizzard basically deleting income which is all they truely care about.


A mentor system or ‘dungeon school’ run at a slower pace with an experienced player giving tips and advice or answering questions would be a excellent addition to the game. I recently ran a low level dungeon where the healer was really helping a first time tank which was both interesting to see and a pleasant change from the normal rush.


Crossrealms happened, people can act like turds coz there are no consequences.


Selfishness is more common today than selflessness.

I think social media has had a big impact on mental health. A lot of issues right there, I like to call it the 3 e’s. Envy, ego and entitlement.

Envy, people get jealous of seeing what others have when they boast about it online.

Ego, promoting yourself to be more than what you actually are online and nobody else really matters.

Entitlement, You derseve to be revered and given things, you were told all your life your amazing or special.


Very highly dependent on streamer tho. And dependent on which area of the game.

I mean there are streamers (popular ones) that are quite literally people that got boosted. If people take those peeps as an example as to how behave in pugs then dear god we are lost. There are propper streamers that know how to play tho.

The old players are more toxic than the new ones.

Whats worse is that its not just ingame, its here on the Forum aswell.

I can promise you OP that atleast 45% of the people who replies here acts to be all
“Good” but when it comes to actuall Ingame content, its completely Different.

But yeah for those that says that

  • It’s always been like this.

No it has not, it’s gotten way worse with the years.
I could tank with ease in MoP, not knowing all the tacts 100%.
I could ask the Off-tank if he knew what stack we should taunt off eachother the bosses.

Now, i don’t dare to step into Tanking Raids, because it would be waaaay different.
It would play out like this

Me: Yo, at what Stack do you wanna taunt-switch?
Him/Her Going into Raid chat.
Him/Her: Yo!, can we kick the other tank?, he is clueless!!!.

So yes, for you who says its always been like this give me a break, thats a Actually weak excuse.

The thing is, Yes Newbies can join the game sure.
But as most peoples in today’s Generation of WoW, about 80 - 85% of the players are
(Selfish - Elitelist, sees themself as the best, and everyone else sucks)

No wonder why new players don’t wanna play the game, they don’t feel WELCOMED

What’s even worse is that if new players decides to stay and play WoW, They will most likely join the 80-85%, making the game even more Unfriendly to new peoples, as they sees all of it to be Normal to be Selfish or being a Elitelist.


Nowhere did I said applicable to all, neither the question was about all, just how

Fair enough.

But with Streamers in general: If you take everything they say at face value then one is already lost to begin with. Even the “gods” are talking bull more often than not or exaggerate

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That’s so true :rofl:
Luckily for streamers people value opinions/ personal experiences higher than some factual information. So it’s a mutual relationship between viewers and content creators :handshake:

Its a problem tho if people tend to forget that a streamer may in the first place be an entertainer and not consider that what she/he might say should be looked at with an “ehhhh???” in the first place.

But oh well, thats people i suppose.


That’s why people elect comedians and tv celebs as presidents btw :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Fair point. But in his particular case they would have elected anyone that isnt a politician considering how fed up they were. He simply had the money to support a nationwide campaign. Not the smartest idea but ah well, i can at least somewhere deep within me understand that thought.

I am shutting up, cause it’s politics and it’s toxic anyway.
Just had a good fun overall talking to a player, not viewer :relieved: