New Raid Item Tier-List For PvP Arena Gameplay

The game in general? Dunno. The creative idea of more powerful, interesting trinket effects is great. I love that. That’s the fantasy of trinkets, I think.
I’m not sure if the creative design of Void Stone outweighs the hassle it causes in PvP though. Probably not. But that’s easily said in hindsight. :yum:

Then let that trinket work on “dragons” but not players. Making it work vs players gives you fun but ruins it to someone else.

Cataclysm had great solution to make PvP accessible to PvE players you could exchange Justice Points for Honor so you could buy basic PvP gear to start playing PvP. I think going this way is better.

I’d say make extra item effects not work in INSTANCED PVP (arenas and rbgs but not random bgs). Then we dedicated PvP players have fun of true competition and PvE players can queue BGs and enjoy their broken items. Blizzard have then free way of creating the most crazy items they ever imagined. They can create then trinket that even drops a-bomb on you. I don’t care as long as I don’t have to raid and m+ to be competitive in arena then I’m good. I’d play then PvE just for fun in amount I enjoy it. I would play it then for fun and I wouldn’t feel forced to anything that I feel now.

Going back to two or even three tiers of gear would be also good for PvP. If players would have to play BGs to get gear will make more people play arenas. BGs feel so dead now as people have no motivation to do it because:

  1. In the time might play it when they don’t play arenas they rather play few M+ and get a possibilty of an upgrade.
  2. BGs give absolutely nothing besides honor that gives some ugly boring unicorn mounts and nothing else. People just want to spend their time in the best way to get even stronger.
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Voidstone usable while kicked btw… Great design xD

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You think. That’s not an compelling argument.

My personal experience in the matter is the opposite, of the ones I know most don’t tend to dwell in all aspects of the game. Especially pve players. Many seem to find pvp to be rather stressful.

The problem isn’t only the acquiring of the gear, it’s also about the impact it has in pvp. If they are so fun then just let them be a thing in pve.

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That’s completely wrong. There are people who never touch PvP and there are PvP players that when they could they didn’t even see raids.

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Hilarious items, can’t wait to run my weekly +10 and LFR thank you Devs

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LINK TO MY DUNGEON ITEM TIER LIST :point_down: :sunglasses: :point_right: New Dungeon Item Tier-List For PvP Arena Gameplay

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