*NEW* Reroll Project

Was just looking for something like this. Sign me up! :slight_smile:

I’d be down for this, been looking for a reroll guild for a while now

Very promising and swift responses within 1/2 day of advertising this project. Be sure to add my bnet for any questions, or return to this post for any future updates regarding guild votes and more.

How about we setup like a battle.net group for this? It would be easier for everyone interested to have a chat, no? :slight_smile:

Down to join :slight_smile: been looking for something to bring me back to playing wow regulary

This is something I’d be interested in! Would prefer horde!

We now have a guild discord set up, for all interested players to join and discuss their class choices/guild voting/recruitment. Updates will be communicated through discord so please add me on Bnet for an invite. Don’t miss out!

I would be very interested in joining in on this! Sounds fantastic.

Brilliant, add me on bnet and we can get you in on the discord!

This sounds great! need to get my Keen going again! request sent!

Interesting! Sent you a bnet request

Sounds like quite a good little project at the right time for me. Sent a message, joined the discord and very keen to go :wink:

In just a few days we’ve got over 15 members in our discord channel that are interested in this project. Message me on Brad#2280 to be a part of it!

Sounds amazing looking foward to this project

Thanks for all the early interest everyone. We’re currently a group of around 17 within just a few days of recruiting. We hope to get guild voting up and running for realm and faction once we hit around 30 members.

This is Just the sort of thing i was looking for! have just joined the Discord, Looking forward to seeing everyone ingame! :slight_smile:

Voting is now up and will close tonight. Be sure to get involved and cast your vote! We currently have almost 30 players in discord eagerly awaiting the start of this reroll project!

Sounds like a great project! Will be fun to get in as it starts :smiley:

This would be something I’d be interested in knowing more about. Added you on bnet. :slight_smile:

Add me , Im the new GM of that reroll project Kplx91#2217