*NEW* Reroll project

Hello everyone! :slight_smile:

I am here to put forward the idea of creating a new guild; A guild to create a community for players hoping to resurrect their WoW career and/or pursue a new pathway. I personally propose this idea of a new guild as I currently feel like I’ve hit a wall in WoW and getting fed up of jumping from guild to guild, never really being satisfied with the community they entail.

In order to do this, we aim to create new characters on a fresh server, starting from the tame level of 1 – we hope to create an environment which is fun/social as well as an aspect of challenging each other with the many aspects of WoW.

This guild can offer you:

  • A community in which all players want the same goal – to enjoy wow and complete end-game content
  • A new start, alongside players with the same mind set.
  • A democratic leadership style, where the guilds interests come first.

Guild Expectations:

  • Be a smart and respectful player at all times, try to help guildies out where possible.
  • Not to feel the need to race to 120 – it is entirely up to you the pace in which you level.
  • At max level, PvE will be a focus for the guild (raiding 2-3 times a week – up for discussion)
  • Learn to understand your class, and how to improve through logs etc.

The use of Heirlooms is entirely up to you; We will not be capping levelling as I believe due to the scaling of difficulty in raids, it’s of no real challenge. (This could be open for discussion if enough people want this, though).

Realm/Faction/Raid Days and more will be open for discussion once we gather enough interest in this project.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and be sure to leave me a message/comment on either discord or bnet if this interests you. My info is underneath :slight_smile:

Discord - Fluffble#7345
Bnet - Mawwamski#2879

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Nice copypasta