New store mount looks great

Never said you were, you’ve said the word exactly there, you’re getting a free mount and a cheaper sub, so you’ll sub longer, a perception of value by not having to buy a store mount and you’ll generally pay more over the length of time.

I have not said that at all.

I am not paying more. I’m paying less. That is the whole point.

Lets look at the maths:-

Six month sub and a free mount = £52.14

Total cost = £52.14

One month sub = £9.99
Therefore six months = £59.94
Store Mount = £19.00

Total cost = £78.94

There is no way to argue that my free mount is not free. That my subscription is not cheaper.

I don’t expect everyone to want a six month sub, I don’t expect everyone would even want to play continuously but I have not unsubbed from World of Warcraft since Warlords of Draenor. This is literally the cheapest way for me to play. I’m not a gold making person.

If someone does not think they will play the game continuously then it’s not a good idea to sub for six months.


You’ve just proven what was said?

It’s not aimed at you, its just part of adding a tiny bit of perceived value to your sub, you’ve already paid £52 for it, it’s aimed at players who potentially would say, sub for 1-2 months, realise the content is pretty lacking and then leave.

Which one has garnered Blizz more money, the 2 amounts of 9.99 or your 52.14? Which one has arrived at a sooner date and has been guaranteed?

Now, as agreed you will happily play for those 6 months as well, so it’s a grand benefit across for yourself, but you’ve still ‘paid’, but alas I think on that we will go round in circles.

Your point is exactly correct, yet, Blizzard arent thinking like that, they want you in for that 6 months and attaching an item of demand to a sub is a method of gaining guaranteed funds rather than the risk that the same individual will only play a month or so and then leave.

I can’t put it any clearer, it’s my daily job to do the exact same thing Blizzard is doing. It’s the same reason a story will drag out constantly rather than be released at the start of the expansion in full (like FF14, the ones that arent trying constantly to fleece players). It’s trying all the angles to hook you in, get people to pay more and quicker, rather than actually designing something competent that through it’s quality would keep people interested.

Short term cash gains over long term integrity.


This topic is so cringe :smiley:

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I absolutely LOVE the mount!

I just wish that they would make awesome mounts like that for us to grind for.
Instead we get 15 shades of pokemon (and 15 shades of some neat looking horse)
And even the Sylvanas mythic mount is meh.

I hold no hate for store mounts, but it somehow makes me sort of angry, and feel “cheated”, that the best looking mounts are only store mounts these days.

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Using the word cringe wrong makes you want to cringe.

Nop, nothing wrong here :smiley: :smiley: cringe

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I’ve got a 6 month sub (to save money and because I’ll usually expect to be playing for at least the next 6 months) so I’ll get this mount for free.

My current sub runs out later this month, and for the first time ever I am not sure if I’m going to be playing enough over the next 6 months to renew… One thing that was tempting me to renew was the prospect of a new sub mount, but they’ve released this one early so at least I don’t need to stay subbed for FOMO reasons :rofl:

The unique mount special is lovely, but I am very curious to see if the new covenant flying mounts will also have a unique mount special. If more effort is being put into these sub/store mounts than mounts earnable in game, that completely sucks. While I am not opposed to store mounts (and have a few myself) and have always thought that viewing the store mounts as better than in-game mounts was purely down to personal preference, it will be extremely difficult to continue arguing that if it is the case that more effort is being put into unique stuff (like the landing and walk animations, and the mount special) for store mounts and NOT for in-game mounts.

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It’s a hella cool looking mount. Would be great if there was some lore for it… or some way to earn it.

But it’s just being described as another “mystery”. My golly gosh there are a lot of those around.

There comes a point where teasing turns into the illusion that there’s nothing there.

We are not disagreeing that’s it’s marketing, it’s what all companies do. That’s normal business practice.

You do however seem to be accepting that I do get my freebie :slight_smile:. Which is the only point I object to when people tell me my free mount isn’t free.

This point of view I wholly understand. That people don’t want to have to grind in game gold to convert to balance to get a mount. That they would rather it was in game.

I’m having flashbacks of WoD with all the recoloured mounts.


You can always go playing Final Fantasy where they charge you even for the finger snap animation :blush: I dare you now compare the two shops :smiling_imp:

He makes exactly the same video every time store mounts is added.

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You can never have too much of a good thing

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This is the key point.

If you know that you will keep your sub going, then the mount is indeed a freebie.

For those that would otherwise prefer not to pay for 6 months in advance without at least having a roadmap to suggest what the game will do in that time… it’s less clear. It feels like being bribed.

Meanwhile I ended my sub with 4.5 months to go, and now I’m not eligible for the free mount. I will probably renew. Assuming the new raid is good, I will probably get the blue birb in ~15 weeks time; but being taken off the list of mount-getters because I haven’t given permission for the next payment in 4 months… that feels bad. I’m not even half way through my last paid instalment and I’m already a second class customer.

It would feel much better if Blizz would reward past loyalty, rather than bribing future loyalty. “Hey, we noticed you’ve been subbed for 6 months; here’s a present on us.”

Big psychological difference.

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Meh. Just another transparent ploy to get people to stay subbed for 6 more months of 0 content.

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