New TWW cinematics

Vol’jin got killed by a single demon. Turalyon needed an army to struggle. I find this rather realistic. If this was Game of Thrones he would be dead.

Well… let’s say it reemphasises his first reaction, while neglecting what came after. The dialogue is very close to the original novella, p. 29, so I wouldn’t call it a retcon:

He slowly sat up. His eyes took in the chaos of the Nether. And then he could do nothing but
stare at her. “What… what did you do?”
She didn’t answer him. She wanted to lie to him, but she couldn’t. Not again.
“Alleria.” He reached for her. She pulled away. “Alleria, please! Why? Why?”
Her voice was calm. “That is what I asked. Why? Then I understood. We were not meant to
die on Argus today. Even Xe’ra knew it. But she could not see how we escaped. She could
not see that it was the Shadow that would save us.”
“I would rather have died than have you fall to evil!”

So… it is a version of the same story that highlights the rift between Turalyon and Alleria that was always there along with their loylty to each other. And yes, that tells us quite clearly that the rift will be important for the future story, and not the times when they stood together. We have to keep in mind that the clear target of this video isn’t to write lore, but to bring people who fell off at some point up to speed, so that they can understand what is happening. For that it isn’t as important to be totally accurate to the years of story that came before, as it is to be accurate to what will happen in the story going forward.

That’s why I don’t mind her going shadow girl-boss in there that much, either. While it is definitely not what happened at that point, it is the power level that she is supposed to have after absorbing the Naaru. Since the story of that Naaru was not included in this character introduction, they presented the power she will show in TWW earlier. Just as they left out her tutor, because he probably won’t be that important for the upcoming story chapters. It’s not accurate, but it is kinda servicable.

If you want to make it fit the lore, you can always say that void-addled Alleria is an unreliable narrator here. :wink: No, but seriously, I just wouldn’t go looking for accuracy here.

Well, I won’t argue against that. Fair point, but since this story was already written, not exactly a new one.

Yeah, and Vol’jin’s death is a terrible one. You could have replaced him with a random generic troll and it would have been the same. Then they came up with some random BS about Bwonsamdi having an influence in that or whatever, I forgot the details.

It’s not as terrible here but they could have shown a bit more than just Turalyon swinging his sword twice then getting whooped to the ground, he’s a paladin for a reason.

There are multiple ways of presenting the story. It wasn’t this linear in Legion.

There should be limits to what a single guy with a sword can do. Usually 6 people is the limit what a normal fighter can handle before being overwhelmed.

Vol’Jins soul is currently in Ardenweald waiting to be reincarnated as Loa of Kings. I’m pretty sure we’ll see him again at some point.

Well, it seems to me that Khadgar is a tad awkward with Alleria, as if he is actually crushing on her. I wonder if his world quest in Legion pertaining to a “gift” to someone is secretly meant for her. In any case, I’m glad he is back and playing a part once again.

Also, I never get tired of the dragons due to their integral part in WoW’s story and they have been neglected for some time. And also, I am thrilled that quite a few of them choose a non-elven visage. I personally find too much elf a little bit nauseating. Just a little bit.

Aside from that, it seems to just be more of the same, which is what I have come to expect. The characters involved simply change over time. It is fine with me.

Oh, but I do think Anduin looks horrible now. His soft voice and personality doesn’t suit that current rough exterior of his at all. I much prefer him as the gentle, but capable, king with the longer hair. Kings don’t have to be the same, and there is not only one type of masculinity. Varian was very different and it definitely suited him.

At the end of the day, my only real problem with WoW is that it gets repetitive gameplay/mechanics wise, but then I’ll just leave it alone, until I feel like playing again. I play other games extensively too.

More and more I will think that I skip TWW if it is just full of alliance leaders giving me quests.

Xalatath is Creepy. Unhinged face. She is Loco.

3:30 MNGA confirmed. Make Nerubians Great Again.

Not psychic mind readers. Share your biases?

The confirmation bias I mentioned in that sentence. I was expecting them to be too human for my tastes, which is why I had a bias towards the confirmation of that expectation. A confirmation bias. Or said another way: my perception was colored by my expectation, so I can’t fully trust it.

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Alliance bias is real yes.