New undead customization options

im so far, very glad they have given me a chance to get my elbows, knees and hips back inside my clothing.
ever since i crawled out of my grave here back in TBC i was begging to be able to get those parts covered up again.
its taken me nigh on 12 years? (cant remember exactly, worms probably got that part before i got raised lol) to come to terms with the fact my damn spine allways shows, even through a cape…

(outa char, i had to rationalise the forsaken spine as a decoration. like the metal ones the necromungers wear in chronicles of riddick lol. consider it a cultural thing, to remind em they are dead folks)

however, i never asked them to remove options for others. im a considerate forsaken, i dont mind if you have a missing jaw (though im sure with some thread and a few parts, we can get you talking properly) or have to hammer nails into your skull to keep it together. i was just tired of my toes and fingers falling off, my hips cutting through my robes and the fact that i cant wear a pair of pants longer than my knees without it looking like scarecrow chic.

i would be nice if we can keep all the looks both old and new. im sure some folks would love to mix and match an arm or a leg with bone parts and so on.


Idiot. People have been asking for Forsaken with no bones since forever. Go back to Trashssic please.


You are showing your youth there, both in lack of understanding and your resultant angry kid rant.

They are giving people the -Option- of playing those models, -IF- they so choose. Also, you get very hung up on Emo. You are aware those models do not look Emo, right? More like Goth or Heavy Metallers, looks which if you were old enough, you would remember predated Emo by quite a few decades, I mean good grief, the Male Forsaken dance is Metal head banging and the female dance is that wafty dance Goth lasses used to do in clubs in the 80’s and 90’s, and still do.

It seems they understand them far more than you do.

Can you change that to ‘Why I play Forsaken’, as so far it seems like these changes are a)ones that many have asked for for a long time, and b) People play races for a variety of reasons, do not presume there is one reason alone.

They did. And they gave them what they wanted.

Oh my sweet summer child, typing in Caps does not make your -opinion- a fact.

You get plus points for what I imagine were unintentional puns in ‘Diehard’ and ‘Bend over’ when talking about Forsaken, given that they are indeed dead, and are indeed bent over, in the male case.

Yes, lets talk about that shall we. What is a Forsaken? It is in most cases, an Undead Human. Why therefore did the Classic model look nothing like an Undead Human? I would have thought, that for someone who claims to like the bony look, you would at least have realised how ridiculous the old Forsaken Classic model was.
Lets start from the beginning, shall we?

  1. Human bone, whilst in similar amounts is 4 times stronger than concrete, would not automatically pierce metal gauntlets and boots. You will not that living humans do not have this problem, nor do our bones gloriously pierce the softer skin around our hands and feet.

  2. Human beings do not have dorsal spines. We have spurs on our vertebrae, but they are not sharp enough to pierce metal and any cloak worn, a cloak being loose fitting enough that it would not be pierced, but simply pushed out of the way, even if we -did- have bone blades on our spines. Which we don’t.

  3. Sensibly Forsaken would have been the weakest race in game, one hefty punch to the elbow and kick to the knees and without any protective tissue, you’re basically looking at a disabled Forsaken. You could quite easily punch their lower arms and legs clean off. Skeletonised creatures being notoriously easy to wreck using blunt instruments in just about every fantasy setting and RPG ever.

  4. My favourite however. Look at your Avatar. Look at it! What is going on with the shoulders? Classic Forsaken models do not look at all like what an Undead human would look like! What are those bones? The ones that also tear through anything despite not even being sharp? I mean they aren’t shoulder bones, that’s for sure. A Human skeleton does not have, whatever those odd protuberances are, unless you are suggesting that Forsaken do not have shoulder blades, in which case their arms are locked into going forwards and backwards only, no lateral movement, which again, would make them ridiculously easy to beat in a fight.

So don’t come here claiming that Classic Forsaken are what Forsaken should look like, when you clearly don’t know what the Forsaken are, or should look like. Or for that matter, any real life counter-culture group pre: Emo…


Imagine wanting trash Classic model instead of new customization options and thinking you’re speaking for everyone that plays a Forsaken character.


Many have been asking for the Chinese Undead model for years.

I think this is one of those cases where you feel you haven’t been listened to but they have been listening to other parts of the playerbase. I know that isn’t much comfort when you don’t get what you want.

It is impossible for Blizzard to please everyone. The playerbase all want different things. They will never be able to please everyone.


This is what we want. Not Sick Emo humans.

You keep saying we, but you’re a wow classic beginner trying to speak on behalf of many undead players who wanted different models for their race.


Gotta disagree with you there, bag o’ bones.
With female Forsaken, for instance, the hip bones sticking out have always bothered me, as they clip into almost every non WWE-looking belt, so that’s a nice change. I just hope that armor will sit properly on these “boneless” Forsaken, and not just float around near where the bones used to be. Looking at you, shoulders on males.

We are more important to respond to your trolling attempt

We want deforms undead not fixed undead.

Well it seems they do.

The new undead models are looking amazing, I’m actually contemplating playing forsaken again.

Your opinion /= other peoples opinion, for example the forsaken were always metal, emo and ruthless to me, Among them are lords, nobles, the greedy and the peasants, their looks should vary to reflect their true souls as in… wicked.]

Does this mean my opinion is more right than yours? no, but it also means that blizzard can’t please all.


And it’s not like the old models are going away, people can just choose to go with a different variation model. I really dislike it when people try to force their way and their play style onto other players.


Lol. Commenting that you’re posting as a lvl 13 undead from classic is a troll? But go on, keep saying that you speak for everyone when you don’t.

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Are you suffering from dissociative identity disorder? I hope not but then who are you representing? because I’m pretty sure not everyone agrees with you.

Did you listen to the panel?

“This is the tip of the iceberg, we have many more examples to come.”

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Go cry in a ditch. We asked, they listened. Don’t like it, don’t make it.

Always crying when others get a choice. Nobody’s forcing you to change into the new undead forms.


wtf with these high school level comments. grow up?

Nonononono. YOU prefer them (and that’s fine).
Stick to talking for yourself. You don’t get to say who’s a ‘real forsaken player’ or not.


Oh no, another one of those Speak for yourself reply. How innovative.

You play a gnome. I have to explain to you. I mained a forsaken for 12 years now. All my toons are forsaken except for 5 or 6.

Do you know why did I choose the forsaken? What made me find interest in them at character creation screen?

It is their models, designs.

You see . If I was interested in fleshed forsaken I would go Human. It is stupid to ask for bonefree forskaen. It is as stupid as requesting a small tauren or normal size gnome or maybe a blue human instead of troll.

Their exposed bones, their missing jaws, eyes. This is what attracted me to main a forsaken.

Then their dark personality and starting quests.

You see, as a player who played forsaken for such long time. I am entitled to express my disappointment. I was hoping Blizzard focuses on what made us like forsaken.

Instead they listened to those vocal minority who wanted Chinese models option.

I only hope they will reveal more of options that satisfies us, who have actually played a forsaken.



That is either supreme arrogance, or an error in translation.

Why are you even playing an MMORPG, Is that your characters actual name?

Generally the instant someone starts throwing around terms like ‘Hardcore’, ‘Real’ and ‘Die Hard’, without answering any critique or reasoned responses is when you know that you are debating with someone who thinks “But I don’t want to tidy my room!” is an example of panache flair in debating circles…

In fairness, whilst not innovative, it remains a truism precisely because of posts like these, where people claim to speak for a whole player demographic, despite people going “Err, no, actually I don’t want what you say I want?”

Stop confusing your -opinion-, with -Fact-, and you will be a lot happier in later life. You like the spooky look, we get that, even though the bones make no sense, and in some cases are bones that don’t actually exist.
If you want to play the grotesque, bizarre and macabre (and as a fan of Tim Burton movies and Zombie movies in general I can totally understand that) then you can -still- do so! No one is taking that away from you. You’re not losing options. You’re gaining options. just because you don’t want the option doesn’t mean that someone else doesn’t, and denying it because -you- don’t want it, or even some bizarre claim that you speak for the majority of Forsaken players (Pro tip: You can -never- claim to speak for a majority, unless there was some referendum held multinationally on what Forsaken should look like) is just selfish behaviour.

Some people want this. They have the option.
Some people do not want this. They have the option not to use it.

More Options is always good. From a customer satisfaction point of view, and a business point of view.

And one last time, as someone who is into Metal and Goth, and digged the whole Dark vibe before WoW, and for that matter the first ever WC game came out, Forsaken are not Bloody Emo! Neither their old models, or their proposed new ones, look like Emo’s. Get your terms right kiddoes. Wearing black and being pale long predates mopey teens sat in supermarket carparks listening to Chemical Romance or whatever it is these days… Turns off grumpy old goth mode


Amazing option, I can’t wait to meet a black parade undead rogues