New update for Stormwinds guards: Black and asian skins to the NPCs. Positive or Lore-breaking?

There is really no point even trying.

Good for you if you are able to swallow turds like these for as long as they fill the checkbox of some messaging.

If you are the sort of person that doesn’t mind lazy/bad storytelling for as long as they fill on some agenda, then enjoy the shallowness and headcanon required to fill in the blanks.

I’ll remain lamenting the wasted opportunity the human race had to receive the sort of development the rest of the races had.


My existence ain’t an agenda chief. Being happy to play a character in-game that better represents how my character should have always looked aint political and it sure as hell isnt a checkbox. You’re not getting many agreements in this massive thread of yours.

If you truly believe that I’m a Blizzard shill who is never critical of this universe, go through my post history. You’ll very quickly learn I’m incredibly critical of this game, especially in regards to how it handles racial diversity. Just because I don’t want my humans to be from the mighty jungle doesn’t mean I worship the group Ion walks on.


Why would you say this…like really wtf :roll_eyes: :man_facepalming: How tone deaf are you Zarao? Throughout this thread you have said 1 bigoted disgusting thing after another and then when called out on it,have neither apologised or understood why it’s offensive/would be offensive to those cultures/ethnicities you are discussing.

And NO saying it sarcasticaly to make a point does not make it oright. And then you have idiots who are defending or at the very least hand waving it away as “ohh muh gurrrddd SJW, PC culture” bollocks. What is wrong with you people :face_vomiting:

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I feel like the discussion started out on good terms until OP started making more and more outlandish claims (black people are from jungles, a girl from Arathi is “exotic” for her dark skin, and now a comment on Asian facial structure) when he started losing ground. I’d have been happy to argue my case less intensely if he hadn’t continuously chosen to make comments that he himself as a PoC (assuming his claim of being Hispanic is true) should know are broadly offensive to a wide range of people. That last comment is almost forum ban territory.

I feel replying further is only giving him more fuel to say wildly tone-deaf and frankly ridiculous things, defended with “I’m not white so I can say what I want/stop getting triggered”. It’s disappointing because he started the thread making some decent points, until it all went downhill.

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Dude, you basicly made this into a racial thing from the getgo, ‘PoC versus Angry White dudes’, remember?, and everything followed from that entry.
All the OP was arguing was that the new customization options deserved more than just being lopped up on the heap, you’re free to simply disagree, but you were looking for excuses to call him racist from the getgo.
Maybe instead of mentioning Uldum or Stranglethorn, he could have thought about something else, maybe a new part of- or new continents with several kingdoms even, just the way they added more stuff over time in the past, to open up for new themes and stories. But it’s not going there, and I don’t actually give a feck about it myself.

But it’s you who’s race baiting and it’s you who’s taking peoples words and twisting them into something they werent, prime example, my own reply to you about Bollywood/Hollywood, wich you twisted into something that isn’t even there, and the other racebaiter up there was voting that up aswell, so either he too is malicious or he seriously lacks reading comprehension, atm I think he’s just a troll and not worth an actual reply.
Quite frankly, you and him both should be apologising yourselfs, for starters.

Exotic ;

You went on about ‘bodies’, and telling him(who are you?) to not talk about ‘PoC’ bodies that way, you took the specific use of the word and applied it, That was actually your own doing(pervs, and your supposed Blizzard buddy too), not the OP, as he ment exotic as how it is usually used.
And furthermore, it’s not a word monoplized by ‘PoC’, simply, if I go to Africa, for whatever reason I will also be seen as ‘Exotic’, because I’m not one of the indiginous peoples.
So stop it?


Do not feed it. There really isn’t much of a point to make besides mud-fighting.

I mean, when there is some censure/ban inuendo for acknowledging the distinct features of some fantasy race and how they must and should’ve come from somewhere, the person involved has reached a whole new level of delusion that can’t be argued with.

Should’ve probably stopped replying after reading that forwarding in the most laclustre and lazy way some social message, is more important than story quality and consistency…and reading this in the Story forum.

Guess it doesn’t count when blizzard pushes such multicultural ideas through other fantasy races (to the point of feeding from stereotypical cliches abut Celtics, Aztec, Victorian or Nordic cultures). It only counts if they are humanoid enough.


You’re right man, not going to waste time or energy on it further.
I mean, it’s quite telling how I tried to give your thread a nudge into a slightly different direction, because of the shettshow it was devolving into, but they felt the need to push this down further, likely in the hopes to get people banned or something…

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Okay, letsa break this down.

Your own words. Mine were that PoC options were added (in 2004) because the humans in this fantasy setting are meant to be recognisable to the humans that play them. This is backed up by Blizzard’s words. The expanded options being added in Shadowlands are being done to rectify the fact WoD removed a lot of these options. It is being done not for “angry white guys”, but for the black and Asian players who will be playing as them. It isn’t “Us Vs. Them”, it’s about recognising and understanding the narrative behind their inclusion.

And as I’ve said, I agree. As I said, I feel OP’s initial point wasn’t misguided/wrong. What I feel is that people disagreeing with him led to some very WeirdChamp posting that focused on racial subjects, being justified by “it’s fantasy”, “it’s not political”, etc., despite his assertion that this situation is somehow entirely political. It can’t be both at once.

In each of my posts I have quoted words said by OP (and yourself), and pointed out how they could be interpreted as ignorant when considering the topic at hand. At no point have I called anyone here racist; I do not know anyone here, and I cannot claim that anyone is anything. What I can do is highlight when phrases and ideas being written on this public forum are sometimes misguided, politically-motivated, and downright wrong. In the case of OP’s lovely “Asian vrykul are the result of a face injury” joke, that’s an objectively racist statement. Doesn’t mean OP as a person is racist, but the wording and outright ideas can very much be seen that way.

Telling me that “if you don’t like Hollywood being white-dominated, go to Bollywood” I’ll admit is perhaps the weirdest thing said in this thread. It’s suggesting that Hollywood is supposed to be that way, despite the actual demographics of its audiences and consumers. It’s the equivalent of saying “if you don’t like this country, leave” despite being born there. It’s shaking responsibility, and if you can clarify yourself better than please do.

I’ve already sent resources on why calling a black woman exotic is ignorant and colonialist. Read them.

Saying that Asian facial features are akin to a facial injury isn’t “acknowledging differences in races”. It’s straight-up racism. Questioning where the “asian vrykul” are could have been done without implying that Asian people’s appearances are due to disfuiguration.

Someone disagreeing with you doesn’t make them a troll. This thread has had more people disagreeing with you/OP than agreeing; that’s implying this entire thread is some conspiracy of SJW trolls out to ruin the sanctity of your story forum; I can assure you, the more likely answer is that most people are reasonable enough to recognise when a poster is saying very questionable things.

A good call. The fewer WeirdChamp racial posts on the forum, the better. As I said before: agree to disagree. No one’s stopping you from complaining about the story implications of a diverse Stormwind (dunno why it was now and not in 2004 when they were added, hey heyho). Just maybe try and refrain from bringing in any attempt at headcanoning it yourself when your former attempts have been blatantly steeped in racially-coded nonsense.

If you don’t like diversity, WoW isn’t the game for you. As we’ve learned, the WoW dev’s are very responsive on Twitter to answer any and all questions; maybe take it up with them instead of here.


Yeah because calling out racially charged statements and bigoted misrepresentations of a particular race/ethnicety is “race baiting” :man_facepalming: gtfoh you :poop: for brains moron and take your rascist friend with you.

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Lmao, did this guy really say that black people probably come from the jungle and asian features are akin to facial injury? Holy sht…


Get the feeling that comment got him banned lmao. Bye felicia

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Every character in wow is non-european. It’s freaking Azeroth not Earth!!!
This is a fantasy game.
I respect and agree the oversight made way back when it first came out and them rectifying it now but there is nothing racist about disagreeing with this change on a lore-basis.
There is no Africa, Asia, South-America. There isn’t even North-America or Europe on Azeroth. Lets simply make all the Azerothian humans purple instead!

Good and hopefully thats the case. The less we see people like that with their disgusting,outdated,backwards views the better this forum and the world at large would be.

I am of two minds:

First, I think it’s a good thing. Blizzard have shown that they would rather tell a linear narrative rather than convey their story through its own world, so why should there be an explanation for why diversity just went up in Stormwind? It doesn’t matter.

Secondly… well, I wish Blizzard did convey their story through their world. In that sense, this is a giant missed opportunity. It’s not all that hard to create a convincing narrative that would explain why Stormwind became the melting pot for humanity in this fantasy world. However, I think Kul Tiras would have made for a better candidate than Stormwind. Less retconning would be required, as well.

Consider Malta. That island has been occupied by various different Empires and Kingdoms; greeks, arabs, normans, spaniards, the british… this history is reflected in their own language, as it’s sort of become a hodpodge of all the languages of the historically dominant powers of the mediterranean. Malta is a relatively small island but it holds a strategic position. I think Kul Tiras could’ve taken inspiration from this, as Kul Tiras is situated between two continents. For humanity, Kul Tiras could’ve been seen as the gateway between the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor (although, I believe its position was kind of retconned for BFA? But I digress).

Rather than giving us big humans, they could’ve introduced the diversive aspect back there and then. It could’ve been part of the world building for the area as well. Were the Kul Tirans truly the first to that islands? Were there other people living there before that have now been incoprorated into the Kul Tiran society? The few human settlements across Kalimdor might’ve had a closer relationship to Kul Tiras than Stormwind (especially since Theramore could be seen as a Kul Tiran colony), which could also have been a source for greater diversity within Kul Tiras. They could’ve done something really cool with it.


Me too… You’re right, this topic here isn’t really creating any problem for their adopted kind of story-telling… but it might just be another nail in the coffin of the hopes that they might go back to caring about their world-building on Azeroth. Oh, well, back to cosmic stuff they are focusing on instead that avoids putting toes into any social questions people care about, and thus avoiding outrage and real investment alike.


Kul Tiras was an isolationist country which despised the Alliance after Daelin’s death. Stormwind was the capital of the renewed Alliance. It’s easy to see why most refugees would choose Stormwind over Kul Tiras. Regardless, several refugees also journeyed to Kalimdor, where they founded Theramore along with Jaina.

You’re more well-read on the Kul Tirans than I (maybe this is explained in the game but I’ve primarily played horde in BFA). Still, I maintain that my little “what-if” scenario would’ve been neat to see, but I have to withdraw the claim that it would require less retconning.

It’s all hypothetical nonsense anyways, and soon Azeroth won’t really matter as we dive into the Shadowlands™.

If other races were deserving enough for an explanation regarding their obvious distinct features, i don’t see why humans should in some way be ignored in that regard.

Take for example Orgrimmar and the orc population that inhabits it. Throughout the years, we’ve had an explanation regarding how the Orc race converged into said multicultural mix of their kind.
We’ve had grey, brown and green orcs taking on positions of power within the faction. But instead of having it all be handwaved, we had a background check of sorts that gave context to said eventuality.
We had clarification regarding how brown orcs are those that didn’t expose themselves to Fel and/or lived most their lives in Nagrand, how grey/dark skinned ones probably hail from Blackrock Mountain. And of course, we have the default green tones with its gradients (that as War Crimes goes, most of the time point at the individual health of the orc in question). We also now how all those collectives ended up living together.

Another case that strikes closer to home is dwarves. The playable faction is currently ruled by three distinct groups that not only hold cultural discrepancies, but also have notable physical traits that differentiate them. Differences born out of the most “realistic” natural adaptation in most cases.

With humans, we are now getting several distinct groups that have unique features that differentiate them even from their neighbours.
Taking it all into the same collective without further explanation, in a setting that has consistently tried to put emphasis on diversification when addressing pretty much every other race, cannot be sustained in a way that makes it acceptable from a story angle.
You’d have to turn a blind eye to an excessively large number of factors and precedents for that to be the case.

It’s not even about arguing “Fantasy vs Real Life”.
In these cases, you have circumstances that strain even against several key aspects of ingame parameters.

And sure, we can turn a blind eye to yet another story flaw in the game, and try and spin the whole thing to look for some positive angle. But that will never make said feature any better than it is now.

The only way to fill in said gap will be by throwing our own interpretations regarding it. Doing what a game writer should’ve done in the beginning.

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Did you not quest in Kul Tiras? Kul Tirans in general are very smug towards mainlanders, and in one of the cinematics they gather to watch as Jaina and the Alliance emissary (the player) are arrested.

While Kul Tiras was left isolated after the wars, I do not believe they were isolationists given the multitude of foreign non-native populations living within Boralus alone.

Among which are:

  • Vrykul
  • Goblins
  • Gnomes
  • Pandaren
  • Jinyu

These were all present from start to finish in the questlines in Kul Tiras. Implying that it was not the Alliance who brought them over.

In fact in Tiragarde Sound several Gnomes are shown living in households of their own, indicating they have lived there for a considerate amount of time.

As well as the Snug Harbour Inn, which is said to have been routinely visited by travellers from the Eastern Kingdoms whom Taelia talked with in her years in Kul Tiras to hear stories from the mainland.

Therefore “isolationist” doesn’t sound too appropriate.
