I know they’ve always existed on Azeroth.
Makasa is black.
The raiders in Tanaris were also described in the Traveller as having arabic features.
But each had one thing in common: a defined background outside of Stormwind.
I’ve read three different people in this thread (myself included) who disliked/disagreed with this feature.
Two never advocated for that sort of exclusion. And the third one argued (wrongly) that said features were never part of the story.
I’ll repeat, and i can only speak for myself here, that i do not like this feature.
Not because i think there weren’t any blacks, or asians, in the story, but because i think that the way they are being suddenly introduced, is not the way to go with these sort of things.
Every race has a background, and a reason to be. We know why there are blacks, asians, whites, etc., in any world country. We know how every minority came to be.
Same should happen in WoW.
Stormwind can have any ethnicity they want as part of it, but the story should be one that explained how said circumstance came to be.
And yes, that would mean giving black or asian people in WoW, the background they had before joining the kingdom.
Racial diversity doesn’t appear spontaneously. Going with “Lol, magic” is some cheap and bad kind of storytelling.
And this is a fact Blizzard unconsciously knew when writing their stories, and highlighted the fact that those few black/asian/whatever characters they had as protagonists, were from other parts of the world.
Why do you think is good for the story?
Because, no offense, but with the way you worded it, it seemed to be more about it being good because it would fill some diversity checkbox.
I’ll leave a TLDR to get across my point easier:
I disagree with this whole thing because i think that these racial features should be presented as culturally independent from Stormwind, and in a way that allowed them to develop their own thing while also enabling certain wiggle room for Stormwind to have its own culture as Gilneas and Kul Tiras do. Even if they needed to ultimately converge into the same thing.
You think this is good, and went as far as arguing about a positive retcon, because…? Explain please.
Thank you.
And without wanting to sound as a jerk, i must say that i’m not a fan about how broadly you insulted anyone that disagreed as a racist.