So this is the problem isn’t it? The argument isn’t about debating how well they implemented the feature, it has to do with some weird fixation about turning it into a “human rights” debate.
Go back to Wowhead or general discussion, if you want to sate your blue balls for stuff like that.
This forum section is about debating story issues, and how writers handle these sort of new features.
And yeah, throwing about distinct ethnic groups without an elaborate explanation, in a setting that has consistently highlighted the fact that it cares for stuff like natural adaptation, is on itself, some of the laziest writing on this game.
Regardless of how positive the intentions were.
Honestly? It sounds rather racist to discard any chance for black or asian features to have the same expanded background as the rest of races on the planet.
It also signals how ignorant and obtuse the person in question in for apparently not knowing something as basic as how distinct physical features are naturally created/originated. But i’ll get to that in a bit.
Also, and regarding this bit:
I’m not the one that argued that in this setting black or asian features came because of something called the “Curse of Flesh”.
I’m not the one holding onto it to explain why Black or asian features came to be.
And in fact, i seem to be in the minority here when i argue that these features deserve to have something more than that.
Who said they had to? I get that there is little left for you other than creating some strawman about anyone here advocating for having Blacks shown in loincloths, but you’ll still be missing the point by several miles.
The whole point of giving humans a background isn’t about turning said collective into mere “jungle people”. It’s about giving them the same sort of expanded background that ingame and RL races have.
Are you really that ignorant regarding human evolution and biology, that you really do not understand how disparate physical features come to be?
Or is it just a pose?
Ingame, most races follow on the same template as RL in terms of natural adaptation/evolution. Why shouldn’t humans have such? Why can’t they?
And i can’t help but laugh at the sort of negationism you are displaying here.
I guess it’s all part of your virtue signalling, but it really gets weird to read how apparently we are to discard stuff like natural adaptation (which we have ample proof regarding it coming into play even on Azeroth), and RL human history, in order to not “offend” in a setting that already leans on all sorts of primitive-themed races, and whose human equivalents are based around European-medieval societies (with a fantasy twist to them).
Yeah, “Poof, Magic” remains some lazy way of storytelling in a setting that cared to create actual/plausible reasons for racial iterations with every other species of this setting.