"New users" are limited to three posts in a topic

I have an RP guild, so in its topic on the realm forums, I frequently post on the relevant alts. But apparently the forums treat every character like a separate user. As a result, my night elf alt can’t post another reply about her adventures, because “new users” can only make three posts. The thing is… it’s not a new user. And I don’t even know how the forum determines it. Is it the age of the character? Is it the total amount of posts made?

My point is, it’s silly and the forums should stop treating characters like they’re separate people.

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Check your trust level! TL0 users cannot post more than 10 replies, so it might be connected to that limit.

Edit: Yep, checked and the character in question is TL0. Try to spend some time viewing more threads and see if that helps!

Exactly that in the new forums. The first post in The Ultimate Forum Guide (Codes, Trust Levels, FAQ) gives you info on what you need to do to move up a level and what that enables you to do in a slightly more easy-to-read format.


Yes, the character is trust level 0. It’s an alt, I don’t use it to actually converse, because I use my “main” characters for that. It’s silly that it would require me to do superfluous actions on a character. It’s not a new user. It’s the same user that has higher trust levels otherwise.

Well, that’s how it is. It’s annoying that I can’t post pictures on my non-TL3 characters, but that’s how forums work so if you want to post more, you need to sacrifice 10 minutes and view some threads. If it’s any consolation, TL1 is very easy to get. :slight_smile:

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I don’t think this is a forum custom built by Blizzard (though I could be wrong) but I get the impression they’re limited in what they’re able to change

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What does it mean by suspension? Is that just being silenced or not being able to log in at all.

If it’s the former, I guess I can kiss getting TL3 goodbye.

I am pretty sure that I have seen comments in the past, that the forums are just a heavily modified Invision forum install.

That’s what I thought but, of course, I couldn’t find any confirmation when I needed it.