[News] Gain the Winds of Wisdom 100% Experience Buff

Today saw a thread on reddit with more than 8k upvotes asking for the extension. It seems there are a lot of players interested in keep levelling alts. Let’s hope that Blizzard listens :slightly_smiling_face:


Well the whole expansion has been anti -alt so a few more weeks wouldn’t be that bad

AV event says Hi (one of the best levelling events ever)

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Yes, PLEASE keep the buff for another month or so. I’d love to level all my alts to 120 before SL and quarantine isn’t over yet anyway.


You might want to move on to northrend/outland

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Yes! Please keep this… isolation has been made that bit better being able to level up alts! X


It was boring as hell compared to questing/dungeons.

Chiming in for the extension please. Thank you :kissing_heart:


Extend pls


Yes, please extend this. With the lockdown being extended until May (and who knows when it will be lifted really), this will continue to be a fantastic way to pass the time!


I thoroughly enjoyed it and levelled over 30 additional characters to 120 (as did many on this very forum) . You may have found it boring, others really, really enjoyed it.


Holy f*, 30? I thought I was an altoholic, but you sir take the cake.

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nah I’m, a baby, there are people with multiple full (50) accounts out there

to add - I’d also be happy if they extended this (or maybe switched it to a rep boost - farm those old factions etc. )

I would also love an extension of it. :+1:


Extension would be great… since we are all stuck at home still, if the point of giving this was ofc out of sympathy to the situation that is :wink:


Adding a +1 vote to the request of an extension. Have really enjoyed this buff, even got my sister to resub after years of not playing! It’s been a really lovely thing to have during lockdown. Cheers Blizz :smiley:


Please extend the boost duration a bit more, don’t have anything to do except to get my max level classes before shadowlands :smiley:
I’m still working from home for at least one more month.

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Would be nicev if they extended it till a week before shadowlands dropped.

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Please extend the boost! I’ve never had so much fun levelling alts because it doesn’t feel like such a chore anymore. Our quarantine/lockdown has also just been extended, and looks like it will be for a while.


I’d love if they extended it till pre-patch (any extension would be nice). And we’re all still going to feel this ‘stay home’ thing for quite a bit more even if the majority are already sick of it.

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