+1 for extension
+1 extension
AFAIK, the exp boost was because of the quarantine and all that xD
well, yeah, i never claimed otherwise. i was just having a laugh thats all.
right click it?
YES! Thanks friendly neighbourhood blizz!
i got a lightforged dk to 93 another belf rogue on dmaw to 120 and velf hunter to 120 with the buff+draught
now i work on a dark iron dwarf shaman(currently at 77)
is it possible for it to be extended? please and thank you
I am very grateful for this month…
More!!! I need to get 3 more toons to 120. I need this!!!
Cmon, quarantine is being extended in a lot of countries.
Btw, a reputation buff would also be sweet.
As a altoholic I would love for the buff to get extended for a while longer still got few more race/class combos I wish to level up.
US forum wanted prolonged buff also they starded same as we here so i still have hope they will give us buff
As someone living in Britain who has been issued a further 3 week(reality 6 week) extension please extend the buff. I have plenty of time to play over the next 3 weeks and there’s only so much Animal Crossing that you can play before you are bored lol.
Extension would definitely be welcomed
Please extend the XP buff, this is the most fun I’ve had with WoW for a long time
An extension would be most welcome! I’m having a blast leveling new toons Its been a while since I’ve seen so many people leveling. Every zonedis packed with players.
Lockdown in the UK is likely to go on for at least another 3 weeks (possibly longer ofc) so any extension would be welcome!
Please extend this in line with the extended lock down. Makes isolation more bearable if nothing else!
+1 for extension
I second this post … few more weeks extension would be fab
+1 from me.