Night Elf Male Forward Head Posture Problem

Just tried out the male night elf on classic. It’s comical how much superior it looks to the new version. It’s sad that the night elves got the short end of the stick with model revamp compared to other races.


@Uruk THIS! Thank you. Your comment means a lot for our cause :smiley:
Hopefully, with Shadowlands original-races customization, Night Elves will receive well-deserved care.


This must be more visible to everyone.
Maybe in Shadowlands they will repair all these problems. Let’s hope it will be done right next time.


Nice! @everyone What other changes would you prefer to the classic or allied races?

Hmm… that’s a good question.
Maybe some updated models, a total revamp or even a community friendly competition from which Blizzard chooses the best models and the people can vote. In this way Blizzard can focus on Shadowlands / Classic and fans can contribute more to the game.

I’m with you on the retail night elf version. There’ve been some recent posts on more night elf options, here are the ones I was most impressed with and would also desire

I am hoping the males will get customisation to reflect the Highborne night elves.

Highborne Customisations

  • Some better looking and younger faces
  • Neater, less bushy and stylish intricate hair styles
  • Arcane features reflecting their mastery (glowy hands, arcane tattoos, glitter-type star effects for their hair)
  • Neater more stylised designer beards fitting a Lord or high nobleman
  • Musculature variations from a more toned down version of the current model to the more ripped DH option - although the robe gear do take care of this somewhat.
  • Ornamentation - extravagant, rich, wealthy gold and star sparkling silver coronets, bands, jewels, with effectively like floating round the face. (some moon jewelry for priests)
  • Different idle pose - the one they have in robes screams servant not Lord.
  • Make sure males can have silver eyes, and females golden eyes

Druid Customisations
While the current male night elf is modelled on the druid, with its wilder beards and bushier hair, tone of voice etc. Still more options would be good including

  • Malfurion level types of beards (males)
  • Hair effects with leaf & branches ornamention (highborne options have the star glitter and jewels) (male and female)
  • Mini antlers
  • More faces


  • Eyebrows not attached to beards
  • Eye colours avail to all: Silver, Gold, Black, Emerald Green, Violet tinged
  • Low musculature skins, normal musculature, DH level ripped musculature options (males and females) it looks weird for a priestess or highborne to be have a 4 pack, but the option should be in the palyers hands, so they can be more muscular if they prefer or less.
  • Some new nicer looking faces for males (whether highborne Lords, humble druids, or aggressive sentinel/hunters)
  • Face/Body Tattoos (mainly male, but arcane ones for highborne types on both male/female)
  • More skin tones, especially darker ones for Night elves, whose spectrum seems tooo heavily on the lighter side.

Thank you Starstride for your detailed posts on this thread and on [Farstrider and Highborne customisations for Elves - PLS]. I completely agree with your feedback.

Also i’m just leaving this here:

The Night Elf male model has MAJOR issues. Can any player honestly say that the above image looks great, polished or even ok? Especially when compared to the other races.

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Hmmm, I think the head looks disproportionate to the rest of the body.
Maybe the fists shouldn’t be as big as the shoulders, also the forearm is almost as big as the biceps… That’s just weird.
I mean I get it, it’s a game character but that doesn’t mean it can’t be improved.


It is result of cleaning (by licking) their private parts in cat form~ females dont have this problem because only males were druids for a long time.

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Looks like… Troll Heritage, maybe?

But aye, gotta agree he looks a bit weird. Really hope they address the issue for you guys.

And give us straighter Darkspear Trolls, too. ^^


The Night Elves were taken offline in the Alpha.

Fingers crossed for pretty additions to be revealed soon!


Sylvanas finally burned remaining nelves

Oho~ Worgens are disabled as well!

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Dude, the last hope for the neck is in launch of Shadowlands. The leafs in hair cannot hide the neck tho ;_;


Well, Night Elves are back, with some nice customization options, but no updates to the WoD models. I really like the new options!
Unfortunately it’s very clear that the Night Elf male overhaul is not a priority. A rushed 3d model which is the 3rd most played race in the game is apparently not that important :frowning:



FINALLY someone brings this up! I saw it myself the day it was introduced…and I do not even own a Night Elf! It looks awful, completely awful…like they try their hardest not to let go of an enormous fart! Seriously…LOOK AT THEM! x,D


I never noticed the head, but I was always pretty bothered by the narrow waist, I wish they’d make them better proportioned. I did set my sight on an amazing shadowlands male night elf customization though (sorry for the dumb link, faction change ate my karma):

imgur .com/rrNmCPH


You are completely right, THANK YOU! You are spot on! I also think the Night Elves got the short end of the stick lore-wise as well as from an implementation standpoint.

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My reply is like a year late… but… I would like to say that I’m 100% up for this task. :sun_with_face:

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You are not late! Interest in this issue kept this discussion alive for a year. We will stop just when Blizzard fixes the Night Elf model. :slight_smile:


If there’s one model that needs a complete rework, it’s the male night elf.

You know it’s bad when even the Classic model looks way better in every way.