No fun at all In game at max lvl

Exact oppisite for me. I had leveling. It was decent fun first time around but 2nd time around with my priest is a slog.

Much prefer to just do dungeons and raids forever.

Is that a community for people who just want LOOT PINATAS?

Maybe if you have the time for normal you could just go mythic instead it isnt that HARD.

TYpical the only thing you care about is defending your loot pinata lfr.


yes i fell ya

Why do u feel the need to attack me? Its a community for ppl that doesnt want to pug. Its a community for ppl looking for non-toxic and friendly players. And what do u even know about what i do in the game? :woman_shrugging:t3: I’m not looking for loot pinatas.

Edit: omg, i thought it was holystyle haha, i just got trolled :rofl:


Then Unholystyle won’t fit the Community.

Cuz she’s a crybaby cretin that Always attacks people.

If you don’t like LFR don’t enter it.

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Nah, its not holystyle, i just got trolled :joy:

Holystyle = Paladin
Unholystyle = DK

Same person, I highly doubt anyone can bring down their IQ level to Holys.

It takes some effort, but anything can be achieved if you put your mind to it :+1:t2:


Okay, I do Believe it now.

Holystyle can’t write properly like that.

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To be fair I don’t think English is Holystyle’s first language. But then again I don’t need to be reading prose along Shakespearean to get the cut of it’s gib

I know, but the garbage he’s spouting is still annoying to read. Even more so when they can’t even write proper English, so it looks even more garbage.

I’m not a native English speaker either.

Sunday afternoons eh… Ahh probably EU afternoons which for me means 6am in the morning lol.


Stop being american. :frowning:

Thank you, I shall check that out :slight_smile:

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Its sundays at 15:00 servertime, so yeah, probably a bit too early for you (its too early for me aswell so i’ve never joined them for the raid myself).


I shall see you outside sir!

Not true sir! I also care about the fact no one has noticed i’m wearing my popcorn devouring Tina Tina rabbit ears BL3 mog!


Looking good!

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Saw the name of the thread but not the name of the OP while i clicked the thread

Tought this had to be Retributor


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Honestly, BfA is just a slog, I spent a while thinking that I was just sick of WoW as a whole, then I logged into a low level alt and just went, “Oh no, wait, it’s just BfA that sucks”
The story and characters within it drain your enthusiasm and the quest zones start to just drag on and seem to be there just to pad the game out for as long as possible on just one single quest, it ironically turned the game very alt friendly for me by trying to force you into playing just one character… still want that backpack transmog from Wrathion though…