No option to copy characters from european servers?

i have the same, i see europe, so progress i guess, but no chars

I got a response from Blizzard support and it says: we inform you that he Beta is played on PTR accounts, not the usual main account, so you should just use one of those accounts presented, log in and play

Is it really that way or is CS screwing with me? :stuck_out_tongue:

exept no characters

Sounds really weird at least, I’ve played beta before and it was always with the main account from start. And some people have already managed to copy the characters, but had some other issues.

I tried to copy a character aswell, i could atleast have the dropdown menu (region) but once i clicked Europe, it was totally blank.
Will try and see if a lvl 1 char + login to the world will fix it (and then logout and try again to copy) :slight_smile:

I tried Alleria and Khadgar server, Copy Character, Europe, grey buttons, nothing happen! :nerd_face:

Character copy finally worked for me on Alleria server! Yesterday the toon list was blank but tomorrow morning all my EU toons showed up!


Yep copy character works, but copy keys bindings and account data don’t.

Oh! I tried this. Worked me!
Thank you much. I was yesterday on other realm not work.

Can confirm it now works

I see I’m very late to share the news it’s back!

But something seems to be broken with copied chars…I can’t find a way to unlock warband bank with copied chars. With newly created chars it’s not a problem :confused:

Because warband’s bank is a toy. You have to do the quests to unlock it. Check your quest log, the quest start to Gadgetzan.

I also did see screenshots of warband bank as a tab at the normal bank and for sure I can’t see a warband tab in my bank. :confused:

Also the Item was no toy, when I did collect it with the other char, did they change that? Can’t check, because I did delete the char which had it.

It’s a toy, cofirmed

I don’t know where you saw warband tab linked to bank tabs.

Ok, then they changed it since beta start. I had the item on a char that I did delete and I did use it on that char on day 1. Funny is: I can’t find the toy in my toy box and I don’t get the quest again.
I might try it with another char on the second realm…maybe I’ll get the quest again.

I still have the issue, characters list in Europe remain empty…

If you are trying on only 80 level realm then yes. Leveling realms you can copy.

It was very buggy but I was able to copy 3 of my EU characters into beta on Saturday. I had to play with the drop downs (toggling in and out of EU option) and my live chars would show (until the next time I tried to copy one).

Same for me , can’t copy character on any of the 2 levelling realms, the list is empty :frowning: ( started playing the beta today )