No "PLAY" button on program

Hey, afer 2 days i was opening blizzard batlle net to play wow. there was short update BUT on down right side there is no play button! i restarted comp and was closing and opening few times, but there is no play button, and i cant open wow!

edit: you can check screenshot here imgur com / FkN2EVs

Same situation my boyfriend had. He said that was some pop out window there but no show up , so there must be x to close somewhere. How I remember that was he said xD

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Hey Pigstab,

Oxine is spot on here. There is a little “x” at the top right of the window, click that. :slight_smile:

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!

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My reply from another thread.

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Just exit pop up window with X to the top right ^^ i had the same thinking today but realised pretty quick :smiley:

Thanks for help guys, I had the same problem. Was panicing for a second there :wink: Working fine now. Thank you! :slight_smile:

Just so people who can’t see a small “x” button are aware (because my screen was literally black), if you hover your cursor over the top right corner of the screen and try to guess where it is, you can still close it.

I’ve seen threads for this from previous adverts as well - you’d think that maybe someone would try a fix to prevent this from happening. :slight_smile:

My play button was also covered, and I was waiting a minute or so for it to appear, before I realized it was blocked by a stupid ad ???, next time don’t let ad’s cover the play button, i dont want to watch ads, I don’t even know what ad it was, because I was only looking to get rid of it asap

THX alot champion :wink: