No TBC = No Subscription

What is the OP talking about, could someone clarify this for me.

If it’s about letting people play TBC without paying then it’s a bad idea. It will become full of idiots, griefers and trolls, well more that it is now anyway.

You living under a rock or something? It’s clearly about there being no era TBC servers when wrath releases. So TBC as max level endgame content will once again stop existing.

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Blizz just learned from the mistake vanilla museum servers that those are not good for the business and they won’t repeat the mistake again. There are private servers for people like you.

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Why are they not good for business? If Classic Era servers were not in-game I would quit when Wrath come along.
Is it not good to give people what they want, and want to pay for? I do not understand!

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It’s pretty obvious there wasn’t going to be any Era TBC servers, since no one actually plays Classic Era anymore or WoW Classic either.

Businesses want something called profit and 30 people logging into a realm probably won’t even pay for the Electricity they cost to run.

If enough people want them then yes, but paying for a thousand people at most who may leave at any time so they can play Era realms is fiscally stupid.

You and probably about 100 other people would do this. People like you vastly overestimate the amount of players WoW classic and Era realms get and their popularity.

yes, this is how MMOs works. if everyone had full bis the vast majority would stop playing

How many people do you think pays for one realm?


My best guess is 700 unique players on Era realms, maybe a bit more, as I mostly play allyside - I said so before All TBC servers will progress to WOTLK - #4 by Vanillataur-nethergarde-keep and I would not call this overestimating :wink:

OK, then I don’t take you as much of a fan of TBC anyway and I just don’t care about ur opinion in this case. Like, you ask for too much plain and simple. I would gladly restart TBC in the future. I would not want to go back to a level 70 char I parked for 2 years playing wotlk.

Well, I enjoy the journey. I’m not yet level 70. And I do NOT like people telling me how to play or how or what to like or not!.
If asking for TBCC Era servers is too much in a thread asking for just that You are the one having seriously misunderstood something.
No-one hinders you in starting over in 2, 3 heck even 10 years from now with my solution (TBCC Era servers), whereas your solution (new servers down he line) hinders my ever finishing TBCC.

And as you obviously are one of those “I don’t want it, so nobody should have it”-types it’s your opinion, that should not count.

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I will cancel my subscription in a few months and switch to a 2.4.3 pServer.
If Bli$$ard should open new TBCC servers in the future, I will definitely not level from 1-70 again! Leveling takes me way much too long.

Allowing era servers was a mistake.
We already experienced this at vanilla-tbc transition.
All era servers are died or close to die.

Now you want same thing again?
Strange people.

It was what we were promised.

Yes, we experienced the shambles Blizz and their money-milking attitude made of it by not giving free clones.

And we’re still players enjoying Classic Era every day.
Pop is small, stable with a rising trend. The rumours of the death of the Era servers are greatly exaggerated.

Why not just let those strange people have fun as well?

I hope all people have fun but companies are not built to entertain special snowflakes in every possible way.

All era servers are literally empty atm. And we all know tbc-era would be emptier than that.

No need to talk much. Just check warcraft logs. A total of 200k+ entry for classic-era naxx, 17.000k+ entry for tbc bt at the moment. And naxx is up for months and months there…

This means like almost less than 1% of all player base stayed at classic-era. It would be much lower for tbc.

Thats why it “was” a mistake.

Note: I hope they bring it for those 1% people but it seems not possible :frowning:

I sincerely hope Blizz is smarter than you and want the subs from us “crazy nuts”

EDIT: In my humble opinion you can take Warcraft logs and stick it. I’ve been playing Classic Era servers 10 hours+ a week since they began, and I’m not in Warcraftlogs at all. They are unreliable as they count on ppl listing themselves. It’s like proving that Retail is dead by counting th level 1-59 on it’s servers - that’s way less than 200 btw :wink: We’re still having fun leveling in Era (not Retail). Try and log in to the servers instead of trusting others’ crazy numbers. and for pete’s sake do not log into HW or ZT as they for sure are dead :wink:

Edited for clarification.

I just quit as well,its not worth it.

Its better to wait for new TBC private server than to play this pos.

No GDKP’s,no bots,no sub,no t6 geared elitists (who bought gear for $$ btw) who require equal gear for group quests/rep farm.

Really hard to justify that one (1) TBC Era server wouldn’t be “cost effective” (not necessarily profitable) when currently atleast half of more of the original TBCC servers stand online, empty and with no solution for population in sight.

The good will they would get out of allowing the people interested in playing and finishing TBCC would be more valueable for them, and increase chances for subscription over the whole board, then yet again going against the very same community they started this project for.

Perhaps if Blizzard had closer communication with us they wouldn’t make costly and stupid decisions in terms of creating “solutions” and answeres to things nobody want, like a huge amount of ERA servers locked behind a fee and a version of Classic without a clear target audiance that nobody asked for.

I highly doubt Blizzard would bleed money by allowing a single server or two to tick on with TBCC, while solving the current empty servers as we go on into WotLK.


I just deleted 2 chars that i invested more than 3 months into,also made someone’s day and traded 700 gold and 400 gold worth in mats/items.

It hurts me to do that but man,i aint no fool.

who cares about tbc.

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