None of my characters are showing up on new forums

on the new forums not a single one of my characters is showing from argent dawn which is my main realm. and it seems like its a totally different account. all i see are characters i have deleted over a year ago except this void elf. and my achievements are not showing correctly either i think i have over 10,000 or darn close to 10k


I’m not 100% sure on the achievements but I’m fairly certain they display character achievements only. As for your other toons give it some time and I’m sure they’ll pop up


alright, ill check tomorrow then see if i can select my main. thanks.


My main realm is Burning Legion, and I can not choose any of the characters located there.
It seems some realms are not supported yet :frowning_face:

Also getting this, unfortunately. Only characters available are all from one server, and not even the one I usually use. I suppose we will end up with everything getting updated eventually, but at the moment it just seems so… haphazard

From what I have read, a password change may help.

Can confirm I changed password as Dottie suggested and now have access to my main.


If you still miss characters here on the forum (to choose as an avatar), please try to log out and log back into the forum. If that does not fix this for you, please try updating your account password completely. Doing so forces an account update, which can help clear this up.

I do need to mention that the above steps have not fixed this for everybody though, but we have seen a few positive results. If you want to continue reporting on this (if it does not work for you), please do so in this thread to keep reports in one place.

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!