Not All Players Want to Rush: Rethinking Dungeon Incentives

I want to do the dungeon ‘the complete, slower’ way’ only the first or first few times I do it. After that it just becomes a chore and I’d rather race through it. But then again, I’m not a dungeon fan in general. I mainly just do them for weeklies and such.

But I share some other people’s worry that splitting these types of ways of doing a dungeon, will just further fragment the playerbase and that’s bad for everyone in the end.

The general reason why humanity evolves and improves is that we come up with ideas how to make things faster.
And it’s everthing in life, travel, cooking, cleaning…

And then comes the weird people who need to “cherish” every moment of doing the thing.

Get 4 other people who love wasting time and waste as much time as you want in casual andy content, be my guest. Meanwhile I will speedrun TW with my twink as long as I please (or until Blizzard randomly nerfs it)

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Such “weird” people who enjoy a hobby in their spare time. Seriously, your argument is bonkers. Readjust your compass a little, it is off.

Not saying that you need to take it slow. Each to their own. But let’s not call anyone weird for doing so or wanting to do so, in a bloody video game.

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If you changed M+ so that everything is the same except you can run them with AI NPC’s I still wouldn’t do it.

I personally despise the busdriver element of tanking caused by the timer and % clear and adding AI won’t change how that works.

Not every opinion is respectable so no

May I ask, what is your goal? Are you there because you truly enjoy the dungeon experience? Or is it an inconvience one your daily check-list which you just wanna get over and done with?

^^ So, it seems like many players engaging in dungeon content aren’t actually enjoying it for its own sake. They’re not there because they genuinely like the dungeons themselves, but because they want the rewards. I would argue this isn’t ideal for the game.

Wouldn’t it be funny if Blizzard significantly buffed XP and other rewards for competitive Pet Battles? Players would likely start getting into pet battles—not because they enjoy them, but because the rewards feel too good to pass up. No doubt, this would spark a wave of controversy and complaints on the forums, with players begrudgingly feeling like they have to do pet battles, even though they really don’t want to.

In fact, I don’t think players would accept this change. They’d probably push back against it. Yet, at the same time, they’re happy to rush through dungeons they don’t want to do, as long as the rewards are worth it. This mentality just doesn’t jive with me.

^^ Call me old-fashioned, but if something is worth doing, and you genuinely want to do it, shouldn’t you want it to last? The things you’ve listed, like cooking and cleaning, are generally seen as chores that most people don’t enjoy. They’re daily tasks that people want to get out of the way so they can focus on what truly matters—what they actually want to do.

It’s truly a shame that many people view dungeons in the same way, treating them as mere obstacles to quickly overcome instead of experiences to be savored.

Heck, I’d do a lot more pet battles if they gave me means to level up.
The problem for me right now is that literally EVERYTHING in this game is made tedious.
This game used to be fun, but these days it’s just a mindless grind and repeat.

  • Items such as Snapdragon Treats having insane drop rates
  • Keys/Tokens with insane drop rates
  • Long reputation grinds with the same repeating boring tasks
  • Dungeons being tedious
  • Professions being tedious

Everything, literally everything in this game is made in such a way that it forces you to invest insane amounts of time, just keep grinding at it for Blizzard to milk your sub.

The game would be way better off if the activities were actually fun to do,
even if we cleared them fast because people are good at something or the challenge/drop rate was adjusted. Because we’d be doing them because it’s fun and come back when something news get added.

People just do their chores and log off.

I ended up in Dire Maul (the one with Pusilin) last week, and we spend longer in the dungeon skipping stuff than we would’ve if we had just killed all the bosses (well, minus the stupid imp) in the first place.

Imo, “main objectives” in a dungeon should be main objectives, as in: you need to kill those bosses for the dungeon to actually complete and give you the xp reward.

Bonus objectives on the other hand should be just that: Bonus. You can kill them if you feel like it (and can convince the group to do so), but you don’t have to in order to get the completion reward.

There should not be “rewards based on how many NPCs you kill/scenery watched”.

Yeah taking your time to enjoy an activity is just a terrible take. Who’s got time for that eh.

On a more serious note, I miss the days when people enjoyed dungeons. I find it rather unnerving these days when I do them with strangers, it all seems robotic and empty. Very unfun. I wouldn’t mind it if Blizzard reconsidered how they give the xp rewards, I enjoy full clears a great deal more than skipping as much as possible to get to the exit asap.

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If it’s a tank in the first place. Most I see are level 11 Fury Warriors spamming Whirlwind and just slicing through everything like warm butter.

Though I DID see a holy paladin with a 2H trying themselves as a tank. With predictable results.

Your idea has merit for sure.

I also hate constant speed runs and skips but there is no system divisible now or in the future that’ll keep ppl like these skip speed runners happy.

They will simply find routes in the new setup to bypass them.

Again i agree with you but also see why they wamy speed runs when tw at max lvl counts as a mythic 0 dung in the weekly vault system.

After the few first runs in any content, it gets boring, so my goal is to complete it as efficiently as possible. It’s like playing the same game over and over again but just that the game in this case is a dungeon. I do enjoy the content initially, so I don’t think it’s that, it’s just the repetitiveness of it along with the seasonal approach taken by Blizz, so whatever work you do just feels wasted as it’ll be worth nothing in a few months.

I understand that is the whole premise of a game like this and it isn’t just because the content isn’t engaging/challenging, I don’t run M+ or Raids either because of the same issue. Before someone says this game isn’t for me or go play something else, my response would be, show me a game that is is similar but better. Because I’m not going to quit WoW to play an even worse type of MMO.

As for pet battles, I know some people enjoy this aspect of the game but I personally play WoW as I connect with my character, not some pets which take me away from my character.

Indeed, I quite enjoy pet battles myself. I brought them up as an example because they’re an underrated and often overlooked aspect of World of Warcraft. While some players do appreciate this feature, the majority of MMORPG players aren’t primarily drawn to these games for a mini Pokémon-like experience. Most players are attracted to MMORPGs for dungeons, raids, exploration, and story. Therefore, many would likely feel dissatisfied if they were pushed toward pet battles as a central part of the content. That said, it seems increasingly common for players to approach the game as a single-player experience, focusing on collecting cosmetics and mounts while treating group content as an inconvenient chore to rush through. :thinking:

For me personally, dungeons, and the entire dungeon system is done miles better in FFXIV than any other MMORPG

Because it’s the players themselves that make it an inconvenience with their attitude and behavior, and then come whine on the forums that nobody talks ingame anymore, or doesn’t invite them cause they play spec/class or some arbitrary external number isn’t high enough.

They brought it all on themselves, ever since gear score was introduced. But never seem to accept the problem lies with them

If I think back to the introduction of the group finder, everyone going into a heroic dungeon was the same level, roughly the same item level, and the dungeons felt fairly well tuned for groups of that iLvl. There would be people just moving from normal to heroic, and raiders dropping back into dungeons occasionally, but on the whole people were close to the same iLvl. Progress through the dungeons felt fairly consistent, and people often had to communicate to at least a small degree (“sheep moon, freeze square, nuke skull, wait for patrol and skip”).

Now we have different levels due to timewalking, vastly different iLvls due the gear sources/tracks/upgrades, and loads of difficulties from follower to high M+.

Would it be possible to scrap current scaling for TW, normal and heroic dungeons, and just set the stats of every player going in to the same numbers for each and every run, at a level deemed perfect for the dungeon for that class/role?

I know people want to feel power growth, but you would have M+, raids, etc, for that once you’re geared, and to be fair the current experience seems unpopular with a lot of people.

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I’m all for making role “Stat sheets” for tanks, DPS and healers that would make their stats equal regardless of their level. Let’s say there are two DPS warriors, one lvl 11, the other is lvl 75, the stats of both of them are equal - The same HP, damage, armor, self-healing.

This would erase the most egregious scaling issues we see most prominently in timewalking. I’m not sure if this would have to be applied to TWW Normal and Heroic dungeons because Normals are tuned for a level range of 70-80 and Heroics are tuned only for lvl 80 with some gear - making them probably the most sensible experiences out of “the easy” dungeons.

Well, in timewalking, people don’t feel power growth, they feel power decline as they level up.

Which is why you can see lvl 11 fury warriors running through the entire dungeon, ignoring all trash mobs they pull - because they can due to their low lvl immortality - and solo the minimum amount of bosses needed to finish the dungeon.

And if any other player than the warr touches the trash, they turn on them and kill them because the “tank” doesn’t care. In this scenario, the rest of the party are effectively hostages unable to do anything besides running behind the “tank.”

This creates a very unintuitive and gross experience for new and casual players who are looking for a sensible run. “Stat sheets” have the potencial to makes this stop.


Indeed, but there’s no other solution in this giant game with twenty years of dungeons and quests.
I am pro wow2 person :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t think you’d fix the underlying issue, which is that say a level 15 has far less abilities and talents than a level 75. To keep it even-ish enough, the fewer level 15 abilities need to hit harder than the level 75 ones to get to a similar total sum. Otherwise you create a situation where lowerlevels are not welcome.

If you ask me, this is gameplay sabotage.
Sure you can play the game as you want, but do it without affecting others.
If you want to boost just sign up with a full party, problem solved.
Like it is now you get a booster in most of the timewalking dungeons you sign up for and at the end of the dungeon they want gold to continue.
Its no fun just to stand around AFK while someone is speedrunning the dungeon, I want to play as you are supposed to.
And dont tell me to sign up with a full party, its not me that should do that, its the ones who take advantage of this “bug”, “exploit” or what you should call it.
I really hope that Blizzard does something about this, becaus now its really out of hand.

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