Not Looking Anymore

Hello, my name is Emil and I find myself in need of a new guild to call home, having soon parting ways with my current guild due to lack of attendees,

I mainly play melee DPS , my current realm is Alliance-Ravencrest

A few things I would like are:

Guild activity outside of raids (m+ etc)
Active social side to the guild
2 Raid days, 3 at the most

I can provide you with the following:

Butter Voice
Prepared (Flasks/food/pots/runes/tactics)
Experienced player
Drama free
Extreme patience

My main goal is to get Curve of each raid in a decent time period, am open to dabbling in mythic, however it has been a long time since I have committed to mythic raiding.

Feel free to comment here or add me on bnet for a chat ZombieCake#21739

Many thanks for reading my babbling.


Hi Delthin,

Call of the Void 8/8 HC is currently looking to expand it’s roster. We fit your requirements of being Heroic focused and 2 raid days a week! There is usually some activity outside of raids during most evenings, people usually organise M+ groups on the spot or just sometimes have a little chat.

We offer a relaxed and focused environment where you can enjoy yourself while clearing content. Our raid days are Monday and Tuesday 20:00-23:00 server time.

If this interests you I have added you on Bnet and look forward to speaking with you :slight_smile:

Hi Delthin :slight_smile:

I’ve sent you a bnet request as I think my guild could offer a lot of what you are looking for.

I’ve linked our thread here fyi

All the best,


:earth_americas: International Eu is lf. socials + raider trials :earth_africa:

International is a guild located on Silvermoon with both male and female.
Founded in July 2019. We are many different nationalities
together on the same goal. We have many unique exciting personalities.
We are having fun in raid but are quite during the boss pull.

:skull_and_crossbones: The eternal palace 8/8 N 7/8 HC :skull_and_crossbones:

:crown: Heroic & Mythic raid
Mondays + Thursdays 7.00-10.00 ST.
Raidleader Hakuho
Item lvl 425+

:trophy: Normal Raid
Tuesdays 7.00-10.00 ST.
Raidleader Lyrrae
Item lvl 400+

:1st_place_medal: Mythic + training
Sundays 7.00-10.00 ST.
Officer Mollduran
Item lvl 400+

:blonde_woman: Contact guildmaster Tathiana
Battle net Tipe#2310
Discord Tathiana#8733