Best interview ever!
Best reply ever!
So they had terrible damage ?
There we go… it’s Mr Tunnelvision following Captain Obvious’s lead… Oh, look! Shiny!
And how about THINKING a bit about the GENERAL CONCEPT and THE FACT that EVERYBODY is WALLING. Super unique. And everybody is hitting 1 button for that “bigdem”, super unique too. And everybody has an in-between minibigdem 1 min CD burst. Epic unique.
No, right? People should be yelling “I’M PRESSING MY COVENANT ABILITY BUTTON WHICH IS THE ONLY THING MAKING ME USEEFUL”. That’s exactly the idea here, good for you champ, you got it!
yes. this is what i meant. couln’t have said it better myself. it’s a holy mage thing you wouldn’t understand.
I love being self-sufficient.
Actually, this was an epic big thing in WoW Classic some 16 years ago… One of the best stats for a leveling Warrior Rogues too. Like i said, I work with data
Loool “healers are not needed” , last weekend one MDI team also thought the same and brought a hybr druid , they had 20 deaths or more …yesterday i was doing some boss , was oom all my cds was burnned , so i scream in discord “guys im going full retard dps im oom!!” boss was 5% and we wiped
How exactly is a hunter outgealing your healer exactly. We have a 2 min CD and that’s about it. Plus a phial if we are kyrian. Paladin and druid is a different issue but hunters?
Bro, it’s been like this for ages, even in vanilla, you had a cooldown button that gave you more damage, some classes didn’t have it some did. It’s way better that all classes have some form of offensive cd rather than no offfensive cd. Stop crying and quit the game already, since that is what you seem to want to do.
Only retards play Priest anyway…
You’re really getting your point across sweetie. here’s your main with a wopping 1438 max rating. You’re really going well. Nerf DPS healing, because healers are worthless
Oh noes. I don’t have an argument, better rip out the memes because I’m looking stupid.
Bringing up IQ while you’re in preschool. CUTE.
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