Now Available on the Shop: The Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur Mount

Thank you very much!

Ignore players who said “disgusting”


If only I had £60 to spend on an AH mount as it’s something I’ve been campaigning for for so long. But I don’t have that sort of spare money to spend on an in-game item like this and I’m sure I’m not alone :cry:
Good luck to those who can afford it!


That’s disgusting. I can’t believe you’re selling an AH mount for more than Diablo 4. It’s mental.


80 bucks …


Really? The most bug-filled, worst tested patch since WoD launch and you drop this 2 days in?

Zero self-awareness.


Thank you blizzard !



There is a mount cool. People that want it buy it, people that doesnt doesnt.

But can/will you fixe the game ?


thanks blizzard, and to all the haters saying spit near the buyers I laugh because why would you care what another person thinks of you who you do not know in RL lol, shows how toxic people are, I think £60 for a mount is good compared to the 5 million and black-market price off 10 million, it is a deal :slight_smile:
and putting third party websites out of business

wow token buyers will benefit as prices are soaring and people will make their money back as AH prices will soar again


You realise it’s completely different departments who make the actual game and who produce mounts, pets etc?

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I’m ok with this if you make it as expensive as it was to get the original one, doing this you have removed the reason why longboi was removed from gold vendor and put on the BMAH, shame! Give me longboi a mail npc tho… thanks…

78EUR for a mount? Are you for real? Get outta here with this crap!


People wanted the brutosaur back and some even willing to spend gold cap so… Enjoy ?

Like people realize they can just convert their existing gold into currency, right ?


Those who cannot afford the mount will be fine without it like you always have been. No biggie.

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And how much is it?
A daily payment for me to sleep all day at work and farm stuff on Diablo Immortal on my phone from 8 AM to 4 PM.

Ouch… for the farmers who paid 5 mil gold in-game currrency back in the day :stuck_out_tongue:

Might be debatable for the current moment when the tokens are actually sold out. :rofl:

True enough I suppose !

But hey, where’s there’s demand, there’s profit to be made :wink:

go to the other thread, its glorious


Disgusting loser company. Shameless.


I’ve always heard that pets are an in-between type of job. I.e. when the artists have 10 minutes to spare, then they can work on some pet or perky costume or such, to fill in time. Those are smart side-projects to have, because they can easily be added to the game in quantity and variety.

Where do you have it from that it’s separate departments who work on that stuff? It’s the WoW development team, and the artists in it, who make this, like they make all the other art in the game (that which isn’t outsourced).

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