Now that racial models are finished

Would you like blizzard to start working on racial customization overhauls?

Examples of this are orc postures, racially unique haircuts, cultist looks for humans/nightelves/dwarves, full fleshed undead, undead posture, undead decay levels and so on.

Personally I’d love cultist looks and more serious / muscled / thinner pandas instead of the goofballs we have now.


This. Now the horde are starting to lose their bad back problems, would love to see an upright male forsaken model. Call me a Nathanos fan boy but I think his style of forsaken should definitely be an option.


Id quite like the option of a hunched female forsaken as well.
Obviously with a bonier and fleshier version to go with!


Tbh I would like them to work on the floating shoulders and shields before they look in to ANYTHING else


No, they’ve tried overhauls in 3 expansions now, Cata, WoD and BfA and coincidentally (or not?) it’s the 3 worst expansions.

They seem incapable of making a good expansion while also doing overhauls so I’d rather stick to what we have so they can focus on more important things personally.

I want Blizzard to acknowledge that identical twins with one having a different crease in his forehead still makes them look the same.

We most definitely need more customization, WAY more.


We’re talking purely of visual customization here, are we not? :thinking::thinking::thinking:

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Sounds like allied races levels of work OP wants so I doubt it’d take 1 guy an afternoon to do.

i want bald Zandalari trolls and Suramar nIghtbornes first…

I would like them to redo the female Nelf and gnome faces. They look aweful. Gnomes look like angry disney figures and Nelfs look like they had a really bad day when doing makeup. What´s going on with their lips especially? Also their eyes are weird. The old models look so much better, even tho they are low res. Also their bouncy animation, it looks stiff and unnatural, the old one looked much better.
And the DH/DK skins look really bad, dark seams in the middle of the face, bad shading.


Only two of the female faces aren’t smiling. Very happy race considering their home just burned.


They should separate goblin hair from goblin beard. Because there are helmets covering hair but not the beard. Fine with all races but the goblins. They must shave their beard to wear such helmets.


From the new female gnome faces?

On my screen none of them are smiling, there is only one face that doesn´t look super pissed off, but also isn´t really smiling. that´s just the character creation screen tho, maybe it looks a bit different ingame. But still they look aweful with their huge eyes. Look at the old models, very different.

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Sorry, i was talking about Nelfs.

Oh ok. Yeah they do smile. It´s just that the faces overall don´t look so good compared to the old ones.


This is the same model as my 120 druid, but the face looks completely different.


Would be great if they added more hair styles, piercings and other jewelry, war paints, tattoos and whatnot - as customization for existing races.

Make it unlockable even, or maybe make it a theme of some sub-faction you would join.


Noooooo. No. Nope. Noooo. No.

I would love more customization though. Across the board.
But none of this “change this, replace that” nonsense. No. Just MORE stuff. MORE choices.


Yeah, looks like some maximum distance LOD model :smile:

But seriously though, they indeed messed up the female nelves so much, it’s unbelievable.
The original have their faces diamond shaped while the new ones are triangular with their massive jaws.


Exactly. And the lips have these harsh edges (and in the wrong places, anatomy classes, drawing lessons not a thing anymore?) and all look as if they had some injections to puff them up :S

Edit: And their eyes, they look dead and empty.