OC Talks - OC Talks Episode 7

You should tune in. Cause I am in it. What better way to spend Tuesday than listening to me?

Weā€™re going live with OC Talks in roughly 10 minutes!

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Weā€™re going live with RP Talks in roughly 10 minutes, High/Low Fantasy Levels!

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Weā€™re going live with OC Talks in roughly 5 minutes!

Oh new episode is today right?

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Yup, title changed to suit it!


Going live with RP Talks in roughly 15 minutes, Kaldorei RP/Lore!


Going live with OC Talks in roughly 5 minutes

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Having had some time to dwell on it, and even further so after last night talks with all that is going and even has gone on for me personally. Iā€™ve made a conclusive decision on how I wish to proceed going forwards with the content I create for you guys, RP Talks is going to be shelved for now. Itā€™ll likely come back at some point down the line but for now, Iā€™m not going to continue with it.

Itā€™s worth mentioning that when I initially set out to create what I did, it was to provide a more positive view of the community and to share with others what wonderfully creative collective people weā€™ve got in the blizzard community. Sharing in a passion we all love which is roleplay, the lore and general franchise. However the focus was always primarily on the community, you guys. I wanted to, and want to support you and provide you with a place where you can be yourself, feel comfortable and have fun.

OC Talks is going to remain going and be the main focus of what we create for you guys now. Itā€™s worth mentioning that when we created OC Talks itā€™s with the mindset that an OC can come from any franchise, any fan made world and so much more. Itā€™s not entirely tied to blizzard. If you want to talk about an OC that isnā€™t WoW related than please by all means sign up and do so, we will not turning you away.

We will be aiming to give every single person that signs up a place to talk, through order of sign up. Donā€™t be alarmed if you donā€™t hear back from us right away, weā€™re just working our way through a list.

This community and support has turned into so much more over time, and what I am to do with it growing forwards is to continue to provide entertainment for you guys but to also use my platform to provide a voice for others as well as support through further charity streams and whatever else comes to mind.

Thank you for the continued support. I love you guys, be kind to one another.


Weā€™re still around and just be back on the first week of next month, whilst RP Talks is still on hiatus. Weā€™re still continuing with OC Talks, and ask that anyone feel free to sign up. :slight_smile:

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Wanted to chip in and say thank you for keeping the talks up.
Really interesting to listen to as I donā€™t think thereā€™s many people that cover rp as a topic much in such a way.

If I may be so free to post this here.

I am curious what your thoughts are in terms of things that could be implemented to improve the overall health of roleplay and what could provide incentives for new players to give rp a genuine try.

Donā€™t think wow has ever been advertised as such but having tried so many other mmoā€™s, none have a rp scene with such ease of access as wow does (mostly due to the crazy functionality trp offers and such)ā€¦ something to highlight more perhaps?

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Itā€™s something Iā€™ve been generally vocal about too, regardless of whichever MMO but since my roleplay mainly surrounds wow a lot of the times itā€™s been directed here. Thereā€™s of course the usual:

  • More Customisations
  • More Outfits/Cosmetics
  • Toys
  • Explorer Mode, giving us access to dungeons/raids/areas with larger groups without anything inside, etc.
  • Housing

Some of these things achieved within different MMOs and I feel itā€™s been shown a lot of the times, itā€™s not just roleplayers that enjoy these things. Part of the fun with MMORPGs is this creative side for a lot of people. Iā€™d totally bring this up in RP Talks but Iā€™ve placed it on hiatus for now, only really doing OC Talks when we return. Perhaps I could do one off shoots talking about these things though.

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Weā€™re back at it again tonight \o/

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Weā€™re live!

OC Talks in roughly 5 minutes!

Going live in roughly 5 minutes!

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