Official Music Thread 🎶 (Part 2)

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Ok if there is goblins then there also on theme to have orks

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Heya, how is it possible for you to post an embedded video whilst being under trust level 3 :face_with_monocle: :thinking:?

Using from phone, youtube links were always possible for other trust levels untill something broke with forum around christmas but links from phone still works normally.

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Lovely, thank you🙂!

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Just finished a 90s metal/grunge/rock playlist and forgot all about this banger track from White Zombie

We need some copium for them to unite again (Won’t happen, sadly)

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I will never grow bored of Astro Creep 2000. Love cranking up Real Solution #9

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im in the mood for legit cover versions :turtle:

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Holy crap Body Count. I remember myself and the dancefloor at my old rock/metal club going crazy for Body Count’s in the House and Body Count. Good times. Ernie C was a great guitarist

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goin cheesy

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Favourite doom metal song ever. It’s just amazing

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