Official Music Thread ๐ŸŽถ (Part 2)

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Kulkurin iltakalja (Vagabonds nightbeer)

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i dont see many people here who heard of Ewan Dobson.

pretty sure i uploaded that before though.

btw, if you like that, i highly highly recommend to explore CandyRat Records artists.

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I found him in my youtube suggests one day after had searched for some guitar plays earlier and thought it were brilliant, he has a interesting sound and I assume its his own tune. Its genious :ok_hand:

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How I feel like when I play a warlock, beer, junk food and dancing included

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But if we look for bard themed songs then blind guardian the bards song :smiley:


:drum: :notes:

Tought this might be fitting for the earthen release :smile:

Itยดs weekend! :whale: :whale: :whale:


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