Oh Boy! I Can Post Again! šŸ˜ƒ

Donā€™t take it personally, the mods are just often snowflakes that donā€™t understand jokes.

They even flag the post themselves i think.

Because the message of getting flagged and the ban came at the same time for me.
(Because bans area handed out manually)

Same happened last year for me after i made joke in a thread about jokesā€¦

Edit: checked again, they really flagged it themselves and just removed it.
Wasnā€™t even flagged by the community. Topkek


what happend here? there was a post a min ago and almost instantly dissapeared?

Welcome back

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Same sameā€¦

Iā€™ve got a 24 hour penalty for something that wasnā€™t against the CoC, and was not even offensive. But one of them just suspended me for it. Reasons still unknown.

After that I wrote a complaint ā†’ Received a bland template answer ā†’ Then the guy who checked the case suspended me for another 2 weeks because of a jokeā€¦(It was about the goodbye/leaving threads you know, when ppl reply to these topics like ā€œWhy are you here then?ā€ I basically wrote the same thing for a guy, with mixed uppercase letters due to sarcasm, and Iā€™ve got 2 weeks for this :D) In addition, the reply of mine was not even flagged :smiley:

But why is that a mod takes this job if heā€™s unable to understand a joke?
Or is it against CoC now to make jokes? :smiley:

End of story, idc anymore to be honest. Ainā€™t gonna be here much longer either way.


It is case sensitive and depend of said poster and said mod:
I have have things that werenā€™t offending earning me a ban and things that were slip though much rarely than getting banned.

But short story if a mod donā€™t appreciate the way you post or yourself it is over, I have had atleast one in the past and every week or so I would get another suspension i earned more than 70, telling to someone insilting you and flaming , did you lose your doodle today ? is a bannable offense, well basically each time I would talk no matter what i would say it was against coc and a bannable offense rofl, thankfully said mod lost his/her job !


Posting makes me moist with sweat on my forehead because i enjoy posting so much

also its hot as hell

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No offense, but if Iā€™d work with this mentality at my workplace, they would have been fired me a long time ago. I see what you saying btw.

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i been suspended a fair few times by a few vindictive regulars on this forum false flagging .

sometimes it got overturned others i had a holiday :).

my last day on the forums tomorrowā€¦ i dunno when my time is up though ā€¦ so i may not be back after today :smiley:


Welcome back Twiluna and Happy New Year!


Back as well after 7 days for quite possibly the most childish action ever!!

So now to prevent a certain type of forumer running to, what is frankly, atrocious moderating. I have decided to be a completely boring and assembly line poster.

No gifs, No humour, no quirkiness.

And certainly, NEVER EVER Disagree with a poster!

(Especially very hypocritical ones!)


Yo, wanna play game tomorrow?

All the creme eggs and chocolate oranges belong to me and you canā€™t disagree any more :laughing:

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For you my dear I will make an exception.

takes creme egg and softly unwraps it while you sit straining against the bonds on your chair

Want a bit? No?

Fair enough, more for me.

walks out room

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happy new year to you too little vulpie :3

and thanks xD

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welcome back from ban random forum person

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Well thank you Bacta xD



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