Older player looking for chill guild for TWW

Maybe Punished on Dentarg/Tarren Mill could be the place for you?

Long post on what and who we are can be found here: Punished [Dentarg/Tarrem Mill][A/H] is looking more for s4!

As we raid tonight for heroic and it seems that your paladin is plenty geared for that, then it would be a great opportunity for you to join us for a run (no strings attached) and see are we a match for you or not.

Our raid times are usually Wednesday and Thursday from 21 to 00 server time (right now we mainly raid on Wednesday and using Thursday for whatever is left over, alt run etc).

We have a community in the game on top of a guild, which allows (for now) none realm and guild members to be easily invited to our runs and do things together and it will stay the same for TWW with the bonus feature of realm does not matter in joining the guild for real!

Our main aim is AotC with starting on normal with each new tier and maybe some early mythic raid bosses when the roster allows us, but we have plenty of members who are just along for heroic and nothing more and that is fine.

What else if fine for us is that you do not have to crawl out of your skin and dump your everyday duties to be part of the team. With us you raid when you can, we do not discriminate based on attendance - life happens :slight_smile:
We’re all older with family, work aside our gaming so arriving late, skipping raids or leaving early is somewhat fine, as long as it has been said earlier.

Out side of raids our guild members are part of various other m+ communities who’s members are part of our community which makes most times finding a m+ buddy bit more easier with out the stress of facing the “fury” of the “class A” pugs.

We’re are mainly quiet on discord and in-game, but during out activities together things change.

If you reached this far and you are still interested in joining us for tonight or just having a chat in discord, add me on discord mari.s