Older player seeks home

Good afternoon. My name is Steve, i am 46, married and a father of 2. I work in a busy Hospital and like to play video games in my spare time as a means of relaxation and stress relief.

I have been playing WOW on and off since Vanilla. During that time i have played most classes at max level and have raided on most. However due to time commitments and family/work balance this hasn’t been a thing for a couple of years.

I am looking for a place to call home, with an active Discord, where people hangout and chat whilst playing. Somewhere that does mythic dungeons at all levels (not just the big stuff). A place that’s friendly and helpful with a good atmosphere and people that understand that its a game and real life does get in the way.

I would like to raid again, but probably cant commit to every week, nor a 19.00 UK start time, so i do understand that isn’t ideal for every guild out there. But i am willing to learn, listen and help where i can.

If you think you have the guild that would accept a old player like myself, then please add me on Battlenet at yarddog10#2114 or reply on here.

I don’t mind re-rolling or starting on a fresh server, Alliance or Horde i don’t mind.

Anyway thanks for taking the time to read this


Hey Nilda, great name btw. So first of all good luck finding what you’re looking for. I have recently moved to Ragnaros due to a few motives and decided to start a guild with the goal of having a stress free, fun guild.

And here it is:

Goldshire Dancers Union [H] is finally here to uphold the dignity of the world’s oldest trade. Our revolutionary approach to gaming involves lots of fun and negotiable clothing. What’s not to like???

A new guild on Ragnaros we aim to start raiding during the pre-patch but will look to get going as soon as we can. We’re now just leveling chars and those at cap doing the usual M+ and slowly growing our numbers.

Due to our, eeerrrrrr, professional commitments in Goldshire we don’t have a TON of time, so we’re shooting for shorter raids. We are not getting CE, that’s kinda settled, but aiming for AoTC and potentially a few Mythic bosses at a relaxed pace. So raids will be twice a week, 19:00 to 20:30 ST, Mon/Thu.

M+, transmog runs, lap dances and other shenanigans will of course happen too. I personally push keys a bit, going from just getting KSM early to some seasons actually getting a decent score, mostly on my prot pala, occasionally on my hunter,

So join us now, JOIN THE FIGHT! And let’s have fun in this game again.

Hit Lepanto#2853 or Discord Lepanto#4381 if you need medical help and want to learn more or join us!


Isn’t age just a number? :wink:

Maybe I may direct you to my post: Lux Aeterna (H) - Deathwing LF more

You might find it interesting. If so, feel free to add me on Discord: Ishy#9200 to have a chat and see if we can really be a match :).



Hey there Nilda,

We are a guild that have the same issue in comum… time… we are old people that like to play WOW, here all have kids or busy work schedules, visit our guild and give us a call :slight_smile:

Add me so we can chat a bit or i can send you the link to the guild for you to check.

Hey Steve,

Nice post! Please have a look at our recruitment post:

I’ll add you to have a chat!

Best regards,

bnet: Armandgrtn#2625