Older-timer... looking for a guild


older player looking for a guild to be part of.

i have previous raiding experience all the way back from Black Wing Lair. life changes so hardcore/semi hardcore raiding is not possible anymore.

i’m hoping to find somewhere to pick up some raids, maybe alt runs if the guild is pushing Mythic, but more a place to make some friends and to run some M+.

i’ve progressed current content, 8/8 normal, 4/8 HC on the rogue.

just hoping to see what’s out there and if there is anything suitable for this old-timer

Hey there!

Ministry of Silly Wipes could be a good fit for you! We’re a Social, casual raiding and M+ guild. Please have a read through the linked thread, and if you’re interested in joining or have questions, please add me!

Westie#2496 on Discord or Bnet ^^

Every guild need a old man to join!
We’ve built a nice social community there are always people in discord.
We are a drama free guild and toxic people are not welcome.
We push M+, We do fun nights like old raids and m+ potluck nights.

We are heading to mythic, A few of us have mythic experance.
This is are second week of raiding and where at 8/8N 4/8HC

most of our members are around 30 and over


Hey! Not sure if you’ve managed to find a guild yet? Llamageddon is recruiting a couple of dps to round our group out.

We raid Mon + Weds 20:00 - 22:30 server time. Our goal is for AotC - and we enjoy having a laugh whilst raiding so nice and chilled :slight_smile:

Let me know if interested/ wanted to chat - add me on discord iamafajita#5320

Disciples Dawn is raid guild formed a month back, we have cleared NM twice and started HC progression currently 1/8. We are looking for HC ready/experienced players to top up our DPS Range or Melee at this time, however melee is priority. We also need a healer either a Paladin, Priest or Monk.

We do have a structure in place so we can get what is best for the guild, and we expect everyone to pull their weight. Be that through prior planning or doing their best within the raid itself.

Due to the nature of the guild being on the older end we must ask all members are 17+, English speaking and also have access to a mic/discord.

Raid Schedule

Weds/Sunday - 2030 Server Time Start
Tuesdays are an Optional Raid day for Alts or Final Clears
Optional NM Run for Alts is fluid and added when possible.

Mythic + Dungeons

These will be set up within the teams and no set schedule is in place, however Raid Leaders and or officers may wish to set these up properly.

Thank you,

Feel free to reply here or contact myself or another officer on Battlenet found below.

Add me here> Battlenet SFD#2195
OR Add Fennex at BN: Nathor#2996

Take a look at us we have a few oldies :slight_smile: [EU] [H] [Draenor] Returning and new players looking for raiders / socials - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Hi there,

maybe we could be sth for you, especially our more laid back 2nd team:

2nd team is still doing normal, get the practice, gear, abd we’re slowly going towards heroic.
If you have question/ want to join, add me: discord: MonaHerz#1502 or battlenet: Linedhel#2237

Thanks for the replies. i moved to Tarren Mill, still on the lookout for an HC guild, possibly with a step into mythic. unfortunately transferring server again is not a possibility at the moment.


It looks like we we might fit together well. Our team is mostly old timers such as yourself and we don’t mind grouping up cross realm/faction to see how it goes.

Our aim is to clear HC and we run a lot of keys too.
Feel free to have a look at gow.gg/together for more or to get in touch.

Hope you find what you are looking for and have fun! :smiley:

If you’re still looking for a guild, hit me up at discord or b-net!

Reptution#9481 (discord)
Reptution#2504 (n-net)

We’re a social+semi-hardcore raiding group, currently 7/8HC, raiding 7:30-10:30pm server time! Can talk more in detail on the side, but so far our group has been effective and a lot of fun! :slight_smile:

Hey there,

if you’re still on the lookout for a new guild:

We are Hole Patrol on Tarren Mill - current progress 8/8HC
We only raid 1 day a week being Wednesday from 20.00 to 23.30.

Alot of ex mythic raiders in our core group that can’t raid more than 1 day a week anymore, due to IRL commitments and whatnot.

If you want more info feel free to add me on bnet or discord:
bnet: Details#2503
discord: Deets . Jordy#5622

Hope to hear from you soon!

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Hi thanks for the reply. unfortuately those start times are too early for me

That’s alright! I hope you find what you’re looking for! If not, hit me up if things change! ^^

Hi mate we raid Sunday and Wednesday 8-11 server time. If you’d like a chat message me on discord at Doyen#5351 or btnet Alex#235293

Hello Grumblie!

Aged is an Alliance guild based on Ravecrest. We’re a guild that understands long and busy weekdays, and the ups and downs of activity. We offer flexibility, are family oriented and at the same time want to have fun when we get together.

As the name implies, the average age in Aged is 30+ and many have families and busy weekdays. That’s why we only raid 1-day a week:
(Sundays from 8 - 11pm). Current progression: 6/8HC.

Besides that, we organizes weekly M+ runs (high- and low keys), we have social events (working on Dragonflight Hero) and we have an active Discord server.

For us, it is important to have good fundamental values, and we have worked a great deal on this.

  • Aware: To see and communicate with your fellow guildies.
  • Generous: With your time for others and accepting people are different.
  • Equal: Treat everyone as you want to be treated.
  • Down to earth: Be you, don’t try to be something you are not. Some are more outgoing or introvert.

These values defines us as a guild and community. We have families, jobs, rubbish days and good days. If this sounds interesting, or if you want to know more about us, let me know.

Discord: Elu#5635
B-tag: Elu#21957

Hope to see you around.

We raid Wednesday and Sunday 20:00 - 23:00 ST
We are a social guild and our progress is 8/8HC atm, expanding our roster for Mythic progression. Most of us are 30+ with kids so we are not a hardcore raiding guild.
If you want to discuss or need more info please ping me and check our board.