Orcs's 25% stun resist

I’m back Blizz ! Give us dwarf’s stun resist !

And dwarf shamans !!!


:copyright: :registered: :tm:

Moooooooh :cow:

you naive :unicorn:

how can it be “serious” to face weak alliance, you horde overestimate your position of dominance, you are full assisted :candy: :lollipop: :baby_bottle:
(Wolf vs Chihuahua isn’t a balanced fight)

Classic don’t have 20years of official servers

So it was planned to balance with alliance shaman and horde paladin

→ it should be added now even in Era servers

They gave the human racial to everybody, hardiness must go and be nerfed (make it 20% duration instead of resist)

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Eazy fix, give the option to EVERYBODY to choose any set of racials, so a human can swap ALL their racial abilities for ALL the racial abilities of an orc or troll, if you need a way to justify this from an RP/lore point of view call it “transitioning”, it will be very popular.

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How is it going for Alliance right now? (in Anniversary PvP server)

share your experiences with the Orc’s Hardiness + shamans

(is forum dead because people are too tired of this AV grind zombie train? yes sir)

Says the crybaby who got killed by one.