It’s really just a yes and no, depending on the groups, the circumstances etc etc.
If a guild is pretty much a solely DM’ed guild, they shouldn’t feel pressured or even forced to participate and may even not participate because they’re using the zone OOCly.
To me that’s pretty fair enough.
Generally DMs are quite protective when they do events because they’re often very time consuming and require a lot of effort. Which is quite right in my opinion.
Spontaneous RP PVP can be fun but there’s definitely a strong proportion of players that find it bland and unimaginative, and would rather pour their concentration into something DM’d.
Edit: either way it cuts both sides and if players are DMing you could perhaps try and involve yourself, or check if they’re still around later.
Idk, most people coming across my events usually just ignore it and have a live and let live thing going, them doing their RP and we doing ours.
The basic excuse for it is that the world is lorewise much larger than depicted in game so the two groups are at different locations entirely.
If someone happens upon my events they are more than free to join unless we are not actually in the location, but merely using it for RP. Heck, I’ll even invite in cross faction RPers to it! It will have to be RP’d out IC however with how well they get along and such.
Currently working on the Void Fox Campaign which is progressing smoothly with several guilds involved, and I WILL include randoms in my emotes if they actually are interested and not bubbled.
I think like many cooperative activities the key is communication, just try and be polite and ask because you dont always know what everyone is up to unless they make it obvious that they’re up for random organic RP. Ultimately people pay the sub fee to play the game as they want, and while I think a general etiquette for RP is important there are always going to be things people do that you have to RP around.